Page 51 of Sinful Claim

How could someone like this actually exist? Where does this kind of evil come from? The idea of being fucked by Grisha makes me want to vomit. He’s disgusting in every way possible without an ounce of good in him at all. I would rather kill myself than let him anywhere near me, but he’ll make sure I suffer ten times over if I try anything.

I’m tossed into the back of a van, and what little light that has been coming through the texture of the black bag has been dampened considerably. Now I can’t even feel what direction we’re driving in.

Someone grabs my wrist aggressively and handcuffs me to something, probably the headrest of the back seat. My heart is pounding so hard that I can barely hear as the vehicle accelerates down the road. There must not have been a single person who saw me be kidnapped. Why am I so fucking invisible to everybody?

Thirty minutes later, I’m dragged out of the SUV and carried haphazardly into a building that smells musty and uncared for. Am I in a crack house? A barn? An abandoned hospital?

I’m strapped to a chair, hands and feet cuffed again just as the black bag is ripped off my head.

When I look to my right, I see Grisha.

When I look to my left, I see a battered man missing a hand.



We’re preparing our weapons for the raid, and I can feel the resentment and anger building to a fever pitch in my chest as I sort through my weapons of choice. I’m always a pretty simple guy, going with a standard AR-15 and a Beretta just in case I need something a little lighter. I’m a fantastic shot, so the choice in gun isn’t as important as the range of the target, but this time, it’s not about showing off. I’m going in there to exterminate Grisha and his empire.

As I’m packing up my weapons into the back of the SUV right next to everyone else’s, I receive a phone call.

It’s Adam’s number.

I’m not naïve enough to believe that it’s actually him this time, but I’m not about to deny Grisha the chance to show his ass.

“What the fuck do you want this time, you fucking swine?” I snap.

“Wow, you’re always so testy when we talk. I really wish you would just give me a chance,” he replies, his voice just as grating as ever.

I’m extremely tempted to tell him that my men and I are on our way to obliterate him and his operation, but that would serve no purpose other than to boost my ego. I need him to be blindsided by us.

“If you don’t say something worthwhile in five seconds, I’m hanging up,” I say, my voice deadpan and unamused by his attempt at a mind game.

“Fine, I’ll keep it short. I have both your girlfriend and your brother. If you choose to interfere with this shipment of my new compound, I’ll saw both of them in half and stitch them back together backwards. Do you understand me?”

How the fuck did he manage to get Faye?!

How did he even know where to find us?

Now I’m not only running the risk of losing my brother, but also my girlfriendandour baby. The drug will offer me security and status in the bratva, but the cost would be far too great. What would even be the point of being a successful bratva boss if I’ve lost everything? No amount of money or power could replace Faye and Adam.

As much as I hate to say it, I need to let this drug endeavor go completely.

But Grisha can’t know that.

“You know what? Fine, fuck you.”

I hang up the phone, tempted to toss it into the ocean to just be done with Grisha’s shit for a little bit while I still have time. I know he’s not going to survive this, but I still don’t want to give him any more time than he deserves.

All he gets from me is my wrath from now on.

I pace the ground for a few minutes like a neurotic tiger in an insufficient cage. If we fuck this raid up, how are we supposed to know where to find them? Grisha could have them killed as soon as he realizes that my men are in proximity. I can’t risk it, but I don’t know what else to do.

Then I remember the tracker I had put into Faye’s shoes.

I thought I’d only need it if she ran away from me, which I was pleasantly surprised to find that she did not. However, I still have the tracking app on my phone, and when I pull it up, I’m still getting a perfect signal to the tracker in the heel of her sneaker. There are coordinates and everything, and I can even click on the aerial map to see a bird's-eye view of the location she’s in. I wish I could see it from the ground, but this is still far better than going in blind.

I didn’t think that my petty jealousy and mistrust would end up saving any lives, but here we are.