Page 49 of Sinful Claim

The place isn’t even that far from here, and I feel the grip of hope in my chest. I’m tempted to go off course and go find him myself, but I know that would jeopardize his safety more than anything else. I have to continue being patient, even though it’s been killing me for months. I want to go ballistic and blow Grisha's dick off to feed it to him, but I could lose Adam forever if I choose to be reactionary.

“Okay, so how long are we supposed to wait before we ambush Grisha?” I ask as my heart begins to pound out of my chest.

“We’re going to rescue him today. In two hours, to be exact. Does that sound like the right course of action?” he replies, his tone suddenly grave and deadly serious.

I feel my blood run cold.

We’re going to go get himtoday?

“Wait, what’s the plan? How are we coordinating this?” I ask, suddenly feeling the volatile twist of adrenaline, fear, and righteous anger bubbling up inside me. I’ve had to suppress this rage for months while we waited for this information, and now it’s going to start to overflow if it doesn’t get channeled properly.

“We have a couple different pods of men who are going to storm the three most suspicious buildings. They’re the ones with the most space and the most utility to someone like Grisha. We think he might be getting the drugs through this port, but that’s just speculation,” he replies.

I’m picturing it now – blowing down the doors on a warehouse to reveal Grisha’s hiding place, watching him and his men scatter like roaches as the light blasts through the hole in the wall. There’s going to be hell to pay for him, and I would never even think to let him get off mercifully with a bullet wound. I’m going to make sure he suffers twice as much as he made my brother suffer.

“Okay, yes. That sounds like a good plan. Do we have weapons? You know Grisha’s going to be armed to the teeth,” I reply, looking around at the rest of the men in my presence and feeling a strong sense of brotherhood with them.

“Of course. We knew it would be essential, that you would require it. We have everything we thought you would request, but if you need to, you can go through the stocks we have and pick things specific to your preferences,” Anthony replies.

I stare past Anthony for a moment, out the window and into the atmosphere of the city below me. This is the most dangerous, most important mission we’ve ever had, and I intend to keep it that way. It’s going to be an absolute bloodbath, but rescuing my brother will be more worth it than collecting some black market drugs. Even if I leave with nothing else, my life will be complete again.

As I’m beginning to become lost in thought, Anthony breaks my concentration. “Alright, we’re going to meet back here in two hours before we leave. Don’t go too far away – we’re leaving at seven PM sharp. We need you there, and the timing on this mission is imperative. I know you’ll be there.”

I reach my hand out for a handshake, and he meets me halfway. “Even if this is the last thing I do, I’ll lead you into that fucking industrial park. We’re going to fight this motherfucker like he’s the antichrist, because to us, he is. No mercy. Our number-one priority is to keep Adam safe as well as each other. Everyone else will be collateral damage.”

I’m ready to leave now, but Anthony says that the timing is imperative. I don’t know if he means that the sunset is a part of the plan or not, but I’ve never had a reason to doubt him before. In a way, it feel like we’re going to storm Jericho. This anticipation and energy is going to eat away at me until we take off, but maybe that’s also a part of the plan. I need to be ready to tear into Grisha with everything I’ve got, and giving myself time to work up my anger again will give an ideal result.

I keep picturing his fucking rat face, sneering at me through his inhuman teeth as I wait for him to scurry up the walls like a spider. I wouldn’t be surprised if that nasty fuck is some kind of alien walking the earth as an approximation of a human. He plays the part poorly, lacking both the looks and the morals to be passable as a real person. I’ve met some crazy fucks in my day, that much is for sure, but none of them hold a candle to him. He’s a monster through and through, and his reign must be ended expeditiously.

“Alright, so we’ve got the plan down. Is everybody in agreement?” I ask, projecting my voice with authority.

Everybody in attendance nods in agreement, and I feel more confident than ever that we’re going to win this battle before it can turn into a war. Grisha will regret ever being born once we’ve taken over his empire, and he’ll be left with nothing left but a rotting soul.



Idecide to take a nap after my bath, feeling exhausted after getting a little too ambitious with the jets. I made myself cum six times in a row, a number that I hadn’t ever approached before now. Even when I still had my vibrator, I felt greedy and guilty whenever I wanted to go longer and give myself more orgasms. I grew up with so much shame around sex that the idea of wanting it to be pleasurable felt like a perversion. Now that I’m with Aleksander, I feel liberated to enjoy it.

As I sink into the bed, I drift away into a dream about my old life back home. I’m in my apartment, but it looks just a little bit different,wrongsomehow. I’m lying in my own bed, and next to me is Cody. I’m shocked and appalled that he’s there, though my memory of Aleksander is fragmented and difficult to piece together. I know I’m in a relationship, but… with who? And why is Cody here?

I realize that I’m nine months pregnant in the dream, and I nearly scream from horror. How could I have let this man get me pregnant? Is it too late to turn back? I never ever wanted to have children with him. Cody is a child himself. He would be a terrible father with no accountability or reasoning behind his actions.

I begin to cry hysterically in the dream, but Cody doesn’t wake up. He’s still lying there in a dead sleep, unbothered and peaceful as I begin to lose my mind. Of course he gets to stay asleep, blissfully unaware of my terror or my struggles. I resent him so much that I want to stab him to death, and as soon as I have the thought, a knife materializes in my right hand.

The dream is so vivid that I can feel the knife in my hand, heavy with steel and authority as it beckons me to fulfil its purpose. I’ve seen this knife before, but I can’t place it. Is it the knife that Aleksander used to kill that man in the alley? How appropriate.

I turn to Cody, watching his chest rise and fall as he has his own one-dimensional dreams. I’d bet good money that he’s dreaming about his coworker Tasha, that fucking blonde slut who alwayshadto giggle and put her hand on his arm every time he made a joke. I know he lived for the attention, and it wouldn’t surprise me if he was fucking her in the dream too.

My anger is beginning to take hold of me, and the knife in my hand seems to vibrate with intention. If I kill Cody in the dream, will I move on to something more pleasant? Is that a sacrifice that I have to make?

If that’s the case, I’m willing to find out.

I wrap both my hands around the hilt of the blade, holding it above his chest like a sacred blade in a blood sacrifice. He doesn’t move, doesn’t flinch at all before I ram the tip of the knife through his sternum. It sticks about two inches deep into his chest, and he screams an inhuman, guttural scream. He stares at me with white eyes, no pupil or iris to be seen. Perhaps he’s a wraith or a demon. He sure acts like it in real life.

I wait patiently for my dream to take me to the next phase when I awaken to the sound of pounding on the door.

The noise is jarring, jerking me out of my sleep and into a hyperaware state as my heart races. I’m flustered, sure, but I’m able to calm myself. It’s probably just Aleksander – could he have forgotten a key? He seemed so on top of everything before he left, I would be shocked if he left without one.