Page 47 of Sinful Claim

“Yes, I can. You don’t know where I live, and even if you did, I can move. I’m not from Las Vegas. You have no way of figuring out where I am, and this is a decision that I’m making for the safety of our child. Let me come with or risk never seeing me again.”

I can detect that he’s getting tired of arguing.

He sighs heavily, dropping his bag on the floor.

“Okay, fine. But you have to do everything that I say, to the letter, or I’m sending you back. You can’t deviate from my plans at all. Do you understand me?”

I feel relief rain down on me immediately. “Yes, I do. I’m going to pack then.”

He doesn’t seem happy that I’ve negotiated my way into his plans, but I’ve gained a valuable insight into how to win him over. He must not have thought that I would ever raise my concerns with him. This might be one step on a journey of thousands, but at least he understands that I demand to have autonomy.

I toss some clothes into a separate bag, and within forty minutes we’re on another train to Tokyo. Aleksander relents to my expertise regarding the time and direction of the train we’re taking, which shows another step in the right direction. Being back on a train already after what happened yesterday feels exhausting, but at least this time, Aleksander is my ally and not my adversary.



The train ride is far more peaceful than the one from yesterday, and I’m even able to enjoy the scenery this time now that I’m not being forced to stare at it to avoid Aleksander. He even holds my hand throughout the ride, and at one point, I rest my head on his shoulder. I love how it feels to be his woman, like I’m visibly his one and only. Everyone on this train knows it when they see us. I never thought I would like the idea of belonging to someone, but this feels right for now.

Aleksander upgraded our hotel after I decided that I was going to come with him. At first, he was going to stay somewhere smaller just as a place to sleep while he worked with the negotiations, but now we’re staying in a honeymoon suite with a gigantic bathtub and an amazing view of the city.

When we initially touched down in Tokyo, I was so excited to experience the city that I was crushed when we had to leave last-minute. This time around, I’m really hoping that we’ll be able to see more of what this beautiful place has to offer. I never thought I’d be able to experience a major city like this, especially not with someone who has tons of money to blow. I know we’re here on business, but I’m going to keep my fingers crossed that Aleksander at least surprises me with something fun to do. He’s been giving me enough grief over the past few weeks. If he really wants to make a better impression on me, he could bring me to a restaurant that wedon’thave to leave.

When we arrive at our hotel, I’m blown away by how ornate everything is. The whole lobby appears to be gilded somehow, and the floors are so shiny that I can almost see up my skirt in them. There’s a gigantic chandelier in the center of the room right above an opulent water fountain. The fountain is so well-maintained that it looks like it was installed yesterday. I’ve never seen a place like this in my life, and I didn’t really believe that they actually existed. I thought that people were exaggerating when they talked about hotels, restaurants, and clubs like this. I figured they were just stories made up by jealous poor people.

I have to talk our way through the check-in process, and the concierge compliments me on my near-fluent Japanese. I’m extremely flattered, and I can tell that Aleksander is bothered by the fact that another man would compliment me. However, I’m proud of my language skills, so if he wants to get upset with someone for complimenting me, so be it. I’m not worried. It took me a long time and tons of dedication to learn Japanese in college, and I never even thought I would get the chance to use it in real life.

Our room is even more beautiful in reality than it was in the pictures. The view overlooking the city is breathtaking, and there’s even a little sitting area fixed into the wall where I can sit and see straight down. We’re on the sixteenth floor, and I feel like I can see for miles and miles. I’ve only seen photos taken from skyscrapers before, but none of them ever did it any justice. The three-dimensional world in front of me has so much more character and depth than I could have gathered from a photo.

The bed is huge and luxuriously soft, and I’m not at all worried about being bored while I’m here alone. I’m hopeful that Aleksander will give me some money to spend while he’s gone, but if not, I can at least go enjoy the heated rooftop pool. I might even go there later tonight just to experience it. I doubt I’ll ever get the chance to do that again. I need to take every opportunity that I get to seize these moments so that I can remember them forever.

The only real vacation we ever took when I was young was a trip to Disney with my family in Florida. It was fine, but I wasn’t really into the parks and my sister was being a bitch the entire time, so I mostly stuck with my drawing notebook and my music. I spent my only vacation trying to avoid her by doing things I could have been doing at home by myself. I felt awful that my parents wasted their money, and of course my sister still felt victimized by us because we weren’t sympathizing with her struggles. All she complained about was how she didn’t pack for the weather and that she needed new clothes or she wouldliterallydie.

Being able to have a vacation without her is a dream, even if I’m supposed to be taking this trip very seriously. It’s difficult for me to separate this from the idea of a vacation though, and Aleksander needs to understand that. I can’t just whisk myself away to whatever destination I wish on a whim, as evidenced by my budget excursion to Las Vegas. That ended up turning into a bigger disaster than I could have imagined.

“What do you think? Can you keep yourself company in here for a while once I leave?” Aleksander asks, surveying the bathroom while I curl up in one of the fluffy white blankets on the bed. I’ve always loved the way that hotel blankets feel like they’re made of tiny pillows.

“Of course I can! This place is amazing!” I reply, feeling like a princess in my big white robe of mystery. “I could never complain about something like this. The last vacation I had was spent driving through the southern states with my family. We got so bored that we ended up taking pictures of cows on the side of the road.”

He glances at me with a curious and questioning stare, but he waves it off as he prepares to attend his first preliminary meeting with Anthony.

I can’t say that I’m excited to see him leave, but it will be nice to have a few hours to myself to unwind. I haven’t seen a bathtub like this in ages, at least not since my aunt Catherine passed. I was never allowed to use it as a kid. I was always told I would drown, but I’m pretty sure that the adults just thought kids were gross and didn’t want us playing in it.

Aleksander’s demeanor is different since we got to Tokyo. He seems far more focus, less stressed than he was before. I love the way he carries himself when he’s on a mission, like he can’t be slowed down for any reason. He’s laser-focused on his objective, and I’m going to see him in action once again.

Sometimes I think about the way he behaved when he first kidnapped me from the hotel, and I’m shocked that I wasn’t massively turned on by him then and there. He’s such a force to be reckoned with, built like a tank and ready to fight anyone who challenges him. I didn’t realize before how much this turns me on, and I’m a little embarrassed to admit that it’s overwhelming me a little as I watch him change clothes. I know he doesn’t have time to have sex right now, but ironically, I’ve never wanted it from him more than I do right now.

The suit he’s wearing fits extra slim on him, accentuating the muscles underneath his coat. He towers over me, and seeing him so put together and official adds to my budding sexual frustration even more. Maybe it’s more fun to be teased like this. He’s never given me the chance to really get worked up by him, at least not after we started having sex. In a weird way, I’m looking forward to the distance between us while he’s gone. I’ll have something fun and tempting to daydream about, making myself hornier than hell for when he comes back.

He adjusts his coat one last time before leaving, and he kisses me deeply on the lips before opening the door. “I left my number written on a post-it note on the bedside table. Call me if you need anything, but remember that I’m going to be in some pretty intense negotiations. Okay?”

I nod, feeling my cheeks flush just before he leaves.

I wander into the bathroom to the tub, feeling intense excitement as I explore the different buttons and taps. I’m almost intimidated by them, which makes me feel a little bit stupid before I decide to just get naked and start the water.

As soon as I feel the heat streaming from the faucet, I’m ready to dissolve into the water. It’s been ages since I was this relaxed, especially since I got to Japan. I had been so stressed out from work before my trip to Vegas, all while dealing with my breakup. It feels silly to look back on it now, knowing how little I meant to Cody for the duration of our relationship. I wish I could go back and tell myself that there are better men out there who would give me the world, but I just didn’t know it yet.

I sink into the water as it begins to flow over my legs and belly. As I stay underneath with my eyes closed, I remember how turned on I was when Aleksander left the hotel. I don’t think I’ve ever found a man so striking before, especially not after we’ve already had sex. Usually those feelings happen right away or not at all for me, but I’m warming up to Aleksander even more than I had before. He really is a beautiful man, and now that things seem to be returning to normal for him, he’s far easier to be around.