Page 44 of Sinful Claim

“Make sure that she’s okay, I’m going to see what this guy took from her,” Aleksander commands, kneeling down on the dying man’s back and aggressively ripping through his pockets.

He pulls out a necklace and a wallet from his jacket, handing it back to the woman cautiously as she continues to cry.

She takes the items from his bloody hands, flinching as some of the blood causes the necklace to stick to her hand. She turns to me and smiles, hugging me around my neck and refusing to let go for at least a full minute.

“We should probably take her down to the police station, just to make sure that she’s being taken care of. Those guys could have been people she was staying with,” Aleksander says.

I ask the woman if she wants to be taken to the police station, and she says that she is grateful, but will walk herself down. Apparently it’s only a few minutes away, a few blocks at the very most.

She thanks us again, hugging me tight one last time before she leaves.

We’re both silent for a moment, waiting for the other to say something that will break the tension. I think we’re both more than a little but sorry for what happened earlier, and now my guard has been completely broken down. All of my reasons for wanting Aleksander to leave me alone forever have dissolved, and I just want to be close to him again.

“Hey, I know you’re mad about what happened earlier, but now I’m hoping that you can see the reason that I do what I do. I’m sorry if you feel like I’ve been too aggressive, but I can’t help it. I need you to see how willing I am to put myself on the line for you,” he says, approaching me from behind and putting his hand on my shoulder.

I flinch at his touch at first, but then I allow myself to ease into it. I’ve missed being touched by him, and now I’m craving him even more. It’s only been one night that I haven’t slept next to him, and it still feels like far too long.

“I do understand now, I’m sorry for being such a bitch about it before. I just never know how to handle you when you’re so aggressive like that. I’m not used to men I’m around acting that way at all.”

He turns me around and wraps his arms around me. “Well, then that just means that the men in your life are bitches. I’m not a bitch like they are, and I’d do anything I could to protect you. Anything. Even if it ends up getting me put in jail or killed.”

For the first time all day, I feel like I can really sense the sincerity in his words. He truly does want to be my provider and protector, even if I don’t understand his motivations to the depth that they exist. He’s been through so much more than I have – how could I deny him the ability to stand up for those who he feels need his help? I can’t imagine feeling so powerless for my entire life that I have a primal need to defend others. In a way, I know now that I’m lucky that he is the way he is even if I can’t appreciate it properly.

I look up into his eyes, noting that same familiar depth that he always has. My heart feels like it’s going to start melting for him again even after an entire day of resenting him and even thinking about putting him in prison.

What kind of person am I? How could I have chosen to be so naïve about his motivations for protecting me? All he wants is to make sure that I’m safe and happy, and I shot him down like an ungrateful brat. Why would I allow myself to be embarrassed that I have a partner wholovesme enough to stand up for me like that?

Cody wouldn’t have done anything remotely similar. He was such a little bitch through our entire relationship. Every conflict we had, whether it had to do with another man or not, resulted in petulant tears from him without fail. At one point, I realized that I hated seeing him cry because it activated contempt in me.

I suppose that after all I’ve been through, I reallydowant someone who is going to stand up for me.

I lean in and kiss Aleksander deeply, trying my best to show him some true appreciation. I don’t want him to leave because he feels taken for granted. Not now, not ever.

He takes me by the waist, pulling me closer as rain begins to fall quietly around us. The rainfall is barely heavy enough for us to hear it, but it’s enough to make our kisses feel even more romantic and meaningful. I want to live in this moment forever right now, and I’d give anything for him to know how truly sorry I am for being so angry.

It doesn’t take long before I feel his hand on my breast, and my heart skips a beat from the anticipation and sudden arousal.

“We can’t do this here, we’re in the middle of the sidewalk,” I say, smiling as I kiss him.

“You’re right, we can do it ten feet to the left of here. Then it’ll be fine,” he replies with that same devious, knowing grin that I’ve come to love despite it all.

He takes my hand and pulls me into the alley where we just witnessed the woman getting mugged. It feels irreverent and disrespectful somehow, especially because we could still get caught, but perhaps that makes it part of the fun. If she files a report, the police will be out here in a matter of minutes.

“I don’t think we should do it here either. We could get caught in the crime scene!” I say, giggling quietly as a group of unsuspecting women walks by.

The smaller man from the mugging is still lying on his stomach on the ground, and I’m fairly certain that he’s either dead or on his way there. He hasn’t moved or tried to get up, but I can’t say I feel any sympathy for him whatsoever. I’d be happy to get fucked in front of his corpse, just to send a reminder of his eternal loneliness. It’s not like there’s good pussy in hell.

Without another word, he brings me deeper into the alley where we find a doorway leading into the basement of a bar. I’m not even certain if the bar is open right now, but the door opens and lets us walk right in.

“See? Now we don’t need to worry about the cops.”



Faye has been pissed at me for the entire day until this very moment, and I didn’t realize how much I missed seeing her smile as she gazes up at me. Her eyes are so wide with anticipation and arousal, and she becomes so damn needy when she’s horny.

I take her into the dimly lit hallway, listening for voices or footfalls in the distance and hearing nothing of the sort. The bar attached to this building must be closed for the night, which makes me wonder how the door was left open. Careless, but highly beneficial to me.