But how?
As soon as he’s done, he slides himself out of me, grabbing my panties and cleaning me up with them. I’m both disgusted and aroused by this, knowing fully that I’ll have to wear my wet sticky panties until I find more.
“You might want to get some sleep, I know you’re going to need it,” he says as he cleans himself and tosses my panties back at me.
It’s a strange request, but I choose to indulge him. The last thing I want to do is say no to sleep right now, and I have a bad feeling that something difficult is coming my way in the near future.
Even though I knew that she was going to fuck me eventually, I wasn’t expecting it to be this soon. I also wasn’t expecting it to be as hot as it was, but for now, I have bigger issues to worry about.
If Grisha knows that we’ve been in Tokyo, then he must have an informant somewhere watching our every move. The only way I’ve determined that we’re going to buy ourselves more time is to fake our deaths. It won’t hold him off forever, not even for two months, but it’ll give us more time to form a plan.
Faye fell asleep right after I fucked her, so I feel sort of shitty about the fact that I’ll be waking her up to throw her out of this plane.
“Hey, get up. We have a change of plans,” I order, watching her eyes blink open slowly with confusion and fatigue.
“What? How is there a change of plans? The flight is like eleven hours,” she asks, struggling to focus on me as she shakes herself out of a REM sleep cycle. She’s disoriented, which means this is going to be worse than it needs to be.
I toss her a parachute pack, and she barely catches it before examining it carefully. “What the hell is this?”
“It’s a parachute. You’re going to put it on, and in about five minutes, we’re going to jump out of this airplane into the ocean.”
She glares at me incredulously, irritated that I would wake her up out of a sound sleep to play a stupid, childish joke on her.
“Okay, well, I’m going back to sleep then,” she says with a flat, unamused affect.
“I’m being serious. I’ll jump out with you, and you’ll pull the chute open when I say so. It’s not as scary as it sounds.”
Now that she’s starting to register that I’m being serious, her eyes pop open.
“I’m not fucking doing that.”
I sigh heavily, putting my head in my hands. This plan is already stressing me the fuck out, and now she’s going to act like she knows better than me.
“This plane is going to go down in fifteen minutes. It’s already been set in motion. We need to create a plane crash so that Grisha thinks we’re both dead and stops pursuing us for a bit. You’re either going to jump out with me, or you’re going to go down with the plane. At least in one situation, you survive. If you want to stay and die, that just gives me more credibility. Your choice.”
Her eyes begin to water as her face grows pale. To my surprise, she slowly works the straps over her shoulders, fastening the front buckles to the best of her ability. She has a decent idea of how to do it, but I still have to adjust them for her.
“God, fuck this,” she says to herself under her breath, wiping a single tear from her eye.
“You just got fucked, don’t be greedy,” I joke, causing her to glare at me.
I fasten my parachute onto my back, and within the next few minutes, I’ve got the escape door wide open and ready for our descent.
She’s shaking and crying still, and Idofeel terribly for her, but this needs to be done. There is no other choice. This might be the first time that she truly needs to trust me.
“I’m going to hold on to you until it’s time to pull the cord, okay?” I say, grabbing onto her and holding her close.
“It’s not okay, but there’s nothing I can do,” she cries, stifling sobs.
“It’s easy, all you need to do is pull this red cord as soon as I give the signal, okay? I’ll show a peace sign, and then I’ll pull my cord. There’s plenty of space for you to fuck up. Just don’t freeze.”
She whips her head around, her face white as cocaine. “What?!”
Without responding, I grasp her tightly to my chest and jump out the door.