He got a cloth and opened the oven door and placed the tray inside the oven.

“I’m impressed.” He grinned.

“You haven’t tasted it yet. But it was fun in a complicated way.”

He touched my face and wiped it, leaving a trail of tingles. His fingers had this magic aftereffect.

“You’ve got flour all over yourself.”

He hugged me tightly, which was a first. Normally, the cuddles happened at night after a few drinks.

Being in his arms felt like the safest, most comfortable place in the world. It wasn’t always about sex, either, despite how hot he made me feel.

There was something quite profound about being around Carson. He had me digging deep like I could be that person I always thought I could be, if only I knew where to look.

“What’s the score?” I hoped the roads were still flooded.

“The road’s clear.”

I sensed unhappiness in his tone. “You’re not happy about that?”

He rubbed his neck. “I was looking forward to doing some fishing. The sea’s calm today.”

“Then let’s do that and stay another night.”

He frowned. “You wouldn’t mind?”

I laughed. “I was born by the sea. I love it.”

“I’m talking about going out on the boat.”

“I’d love to do that too. Normally, we go out on the family yacht on the Riviera. But hey, a speedboat can be fun.”

He kept looking at me as though trying to understand something.

“What?” I spread my hands.

“I almost forgot you were that daughter of a billionaire, which is why I couldn’t exactly chat you up.”

I slanted my head to study him. I loved the way his eyes softened when he was out of his comfort zone. “Did you want to seduce me?”

“I wouldn’t be a man if I didn’t. You’re an exquisite woman.”

Warmth cascaded over me. “Lucky I’m not that shy.”

“Your little warm hand proved that in Mayfair.”

“I hope you didn’t think I was loose.”

He laughed. “Oh, you were very loose. Deliciously so.”

“Mm… I’ll take that as a backhanded compliment.”

“Savvie, you’re sexy and beautiful and crazy.” His eyes fell into mine and then his lips caressed my cheek.

“I’m no longer that same rich, entitled girl.” I twisted a lock of hair in my finger.

His eyes lit up. “You’re going to work?”