She stretched out her arms. “Let me carry the small bags, at least.”

“No. I’m good.”

“I’m not that unwell.” She fisted her hips.

“I know you’re not. But I’ve got this. Come on. Let’s head off.”

We got down to the SUV when I noticed a flat tyre.

“Shit.” I dropped the luggage down.


I pointed to the tyre. “Must have been the rough ride.”

“But aren’t these cars meant to handle that?” Her voice went up in register.

I swallowed tightly. “It gets worse. That was a spare. I didn’t have time to get another, I’m afraid.”

Her eyes nearly popped out of their sockets. “What?”

“I’m sorry.” I opened out my hands.

“How the fuck can you not have a spare?”

Although annoyed at myself for overlooking something as vital as a spare, her tone still grated on me. “Hey, mistakes happen.”

“You’re meant to be on top of this stuff. You’re paid to be fucking organised.”

Her words stabbed at me. I hated being yelled at.

Taking a deep breath, I counted to three to bite my tongue. “You wait here, and I’ll go onto the main road and see if I can get a phone signal for help.”

“I’m not waiting here on my own.” She clutched her arms and shivered.

“Then come with me. But you need sensible shoes.”

She huffed and puffed, and I rolled my eyes. If she hated me, I hated myself even more for fucking up.

While she rummaged through her suitcase, I walked around, seeing if I could get a signal, but to no avail.

As the highway was about a mile up the track, I hoped Savanah could manage.

She found a pair of wedged shoes with a flower stuck on them. Unfit for a rocky path. The shoes were so loud and ridiculous, I almost laughed.

“You don’t have a pair of sneakers?” I asked.

“I hate sneakers.”

I released a deep breath while maintaining a cool head. “Why don’t you wait in the car, then?”

She shook her head. “I don’t want to be here alone. Shit. Mum was meant to have it all nice and ready.”

Reminding me of a young, lost girl, she started to cry.

“Let me see what else you’ve got.” I softened my tone in a bid to calm her down.

She rummaged through her shoes and held up a pair of sandals with a smallish heel. “These I normally wear to the beach.”