“Yeah, it should be called a dirty old men’s club.” I sniffed.

“I’m told girls dance in skimpy outfits before being auctioned.”

“Oh my god. Like cattle.” I shook my head in disgust.

She looked defeated despite her resigned tone. Knowing my mother, she would have discussed this sad affair ad nauseam with Crisp.

“They can do it there or online. According to Rey, it’s safer for the girls this way because they get to choose, and they sign legal documents to ensure they’re paid and protected.”

I shook my head. “Regardless. You have to close it down. And what about Manon’s part?”

My mother bit her lip. I could see she was under a lot of pressure. This was not her at all. She used to hate me wearing short skirts when I was Manon’s age.

“Manon helps the girls with makeup and dressing and offers pep talks. She insists that none are under eighteen. They sign forms of consent. She even showed me.”

“She showed you? Shit, Mum, you can’t let this happen at the back of Elysium. It’s seedy and should remain in London alleyways and not at a luxury destination.”

She sighed. “It’s Rey’s land. I have no control.”

“I thought that land belonged to our family.”

She shook her head. “It’s a long story, darling.”

The sadness in her voice rang loud, and with Cary breaking her heart, I decided to lay off and hobbled off to pack for my trip away.

Despite not knowing who’d seen the sex tape since Bram kept pleading innocence, I still felt the need to hide. I’d even considered changing my name. Only I was a Lovechilde. I could never walk away from my name and heritage. It flowed through my veins.

At least Carson had agreed to accompany me. A big paycheck would have helped, despite him saying it wasn’t about the money.

The pity in his honey-coloured eyes made me want to yell obscenities, but I needed him.

I couldn’t even think of sex. Not in my condition. I ached all over.

I even told Carson, “I won’t try to fuck you. I can’t anyway.”

Darkness intensified in his gaze. He mumbled something about killing Bram if he came anywhere near him.

As touched as I was, because it showed just how much I meant to Carson, that terrified me. If he got locked up because of me, I would have lost my mind completely.

Could I do one month with Carson without seducing him? I shrugged that thought away. For now, I needed a driver and someone close so that I wouldn’t keep jumping at my own shadow.

He was the only person I could trust to keep me safe, which had little to do with him making my heart flutter each time I saw him, smelt him, or stood close.

Lochridgesatonahill surrounded by a rugged forest and nothing but the wild ocean. Winds roared through the trees, making them dance vigorously, looking like they might snap.

Carson had spoken little during our five-hour trip to Lochridge. We mainly argued about music.

“It’s my car. I choose the music,” he’d said with that authoritative, deep voice.

When “I Put a Spell on You” came on, I relented. “I love this song.”

“You see? There’s a lot about the blues to love.”

I smiled. It was nice being together for such a long period. I don’t think we’d ever spent that much time together.

Normally, he had me all hot and bothered. But for once, I didn’t count down the minutes when we’d get all naked and sweaty. Even though, as always, he looked good enough to ravage, especially in that green polo. His well-developed pecs and biceps strained against the fabric as if trying to break free.

We drove up a rocky track, and as we bounced along in the SUV, he said, “A normal car wouldn’t make it up here.”