I heard raised voices in the background, and a few minutes later, rubbing his head, Bram lumbered out dressed in a velvet dressing gown. I had this sudden urge to laugh. His customary black ripped jeans and loose, half-unbuttoned black shirt were probably being washed by his maid.

“So what’s all this about?” he asked. “You woke me up.”

I cocked my head. “Let’s step outside and go for a walk, shall we?”

He studied me for a minute. “Why, what have you got in mind?”

“We need to talk. In private.”

He shrugged. “Should I call security?”

“I value my freedom too much to waste it on your puny arse.”

“Did Savvie send you? I hear you’re porking her.” He pulled a crooked grin, which only made him uglier.

“Just step outside. Or we can talk here in front of your staff.”

He rubbed his face and then pointed for the door. Once we were outside, I stood intimidatingly close. “Who else have you sent that footage to?”

“No one. I’m sticking to my word. For now.” He smirked. “She knows the score. We’re catching up tomorrow for a function.”

“So you can make a dick of yourself again?”

“Who the fuck do you think you are, making such snide comments?” He kept scratching himself. A sure sign of heroin addiction. My brother had the same affliction.

“Now that the footage is live, your father will probably hear from the Lovechilde’s legal team.”

“I didn’t send it.”

“Someone did.”

“Show me.” He raised his chin.

I pulled out my phone and scrolled through my email.

“That’s not my email address.”

“Then you must have sent it to someone. You better find out who that belongs to and shut it down.”

He shrugged. “Like I said. No idea. I had my computer hacked. So it’s probably someone I don’t know. Which means I’m in the clear.”

“No, it doesn’t. It’s still criminal to film someone against their consent.”

Slanting his head, he returned a cocky grunt. “You don’t know Savvie, do you? She fucking loves the limelight. Even when it’s directed at her well-visited cunt.”

Rage charged through to my clenching fists. Taking a deep breath, I had this unbearable need to throttle him. I counted to three instead, because one punch would lay out that scrawny worthless piece of shit.

“I’m bored with this conversation. Get off our land, dickhead.”

I grabbed him by the scruff of his neck and pushed him out of my way like a piece of garbage. He stumbled back and ended up on his bony butt.

He yelled something, and I walked off with his comment about Savvie revolving in my head.

I had to stop these feelings. Now. No more. We’d had our fun. I was there to protect Savanah, and I’d continue to, but I would no longer lie on those silky, perfumed sheets. No matter how much I wanted to.

And I fucking wanted her all right. With every cell of my body.

Something I’d promised myself never to do. I’d become an addict. Addicted to Savanah Lovechilde. Only, like with everything in my life, I had the will of a bull when pushed.