Ethan laughed. “Poor Freddie. I think he wants to go back to Merivale with the adults.”

“Mother’s ordered a corgi. A black-and-white puppy. I saw the photos. Very cute.”

Ethan collected his bag and then planted Mirabel a lingering kiss that I think involved a tongue.

“Ew. Please.” I pulled a face.

They laughed, looking all starry-eyed. I could see they were very much in love.

I pecked Mirabel’s cheek and then hugged my nephew, and off we went.

We were halfway to London when I said, “I haven’t spoken to Mother about the woman in the car.”

“Declan did.”

I turned. “Oh?”

“She didn’t seem that worried. But that could’ve been Mum putting on her brave, evasive face.”

“They looked pretty loved up today. Maybe Cary’s explained, and it’s all good,” I said.

“I hope so.” Ethan shook his head. “The last thing we need is another situation.”

“Speaking of drama, are they still working on Dad’s case? I hope so because I want that murderer locked up.”

Ethan nodded. “They’re onto it. A ten-million-pound reward has been listed. Nothing’s surfaced as yet.”

I sighed. “I won’t rest until they find him.”

“None of us will.”

Chapter 18


Iopenedmylaptopto pay some bills when I noticed an email with the subject: Savanah Lovechilde with an MP3 attachment.

I naturally assumed it was from Savanah and that she’d sent me some sexy video despite it normally coming through my phone.

My dick pushed against my fly in anticipation. She had me hot and bothered just thinking about it.

I’d never been one for sexting, but Savanah clearly enjoyed doing it. And receiving them often resulted in me taking matters into my own hand, literally.

When the MP3 had downloaded, I pressed Play, and there she was with a dick in her mouth. It was on the smaller side, which didn’t make watching it any better. The burger I’d just eaten sat uncomfortably in my gut.

I should have stopped it there, but I couldn’t help myself. The camera then travelled down her body, and there was a woman tonguing Savanah.

Savanah had never alluded to being bi. I guess I’d never asked.

I normally didn’t mind seeing a woman eating pussy, but this made my stomach curl. As much as I tried pushing those feelings away, Savanah had become more than just a casual fuck. I’d become attached.

Pressing Delete, I didn’t recognise the email, and if Bram had sent that video to me, then he’d sent it to others. After getting over the shock of seeing the woman I was falling for feasting on a cock that wasn’t mine, anger took over. This would crush her. And now that I’d seen the tape, it was easy to understand why.

Unsure what to say to her, I ignored Savanah’s calls. Instead, I grabbed my jacket and, driven by a fire in my belly, I visited Bram’s family home. If he wasn’t there, I’d deal with his father, who was an older, just as smug version of his son.

Their Cotswold home was easy enough to locate. After googling Lord Pike, I discovered the family had a website with pictures of their home, which was open for tours. Within an hour I was there, scooting along the lamp-lit cobbled path to the door.

It took a few rings of the doorbells before a man answered the door.