However, I don’t know where I would have been without my brothers. Despite their critical attitudes towards my choice of boyfriends, they always supported me when things went bad.

As I headed to the powder room, Bram stumbled over. Already drunk, it seemed. “Where are you going? You should be with me, by my side, cheering me on. I’m fucking winning.”

“I can hear you.”

He laughed at my cool response. “Encouraging as always.”

“I’ve got to go to the powder room, and Declan needs to see me about a family issue. Don’t worry. I won’t take off without telling you. Since I’m now chained to you.”

“Ooh.” He pulled a wicked smile. “I like the idea of that. We have the cellar at Benson Hall. A former dungeon, I’m told. That idea gives me a hard-on.”

I wanted to puke. He’d become even more repulsive with those drugged, menacing eyes. And imprisoning me in a dungeon would be his kind of thing. Bram loved the macabre. He’d even spoken of an interest in Satanism. That’s when I should have run. Instead, I found him refreshingly eccentric and being the son of a lord helped. My mother would be happy for a change, given my predilection for darkish characters. If only she knew… Bram made my other, so-called commoner boyfriends look like teenagers who smuggled the odd bit of booze and smoked cigarettes.

I purposely took a long way around so that I could talk to Carson. He deserved some explanation. He’d even texted me last night. We’d been together for two nights in a row. Unable to stop touching each other. My sheets smelled of him. And then Bram sent me that sex tape along with an ultimatum, and I couldn’t bring myself to answer Carson’s text about meeting up after the party.

I would have given anything to fall into his arms and be just us together alone.

I didn’t recognise the pair of blondes who were close to rubbing themselves all over him. Knowing how much he hated overly made-up girls gave me some hope.

But would he stray?

Just because we’d been inseparable for two nights didn’t exactly make us a couple.

I thought of him gloriously naked in bed, his arms bulging with muscle. And his legs a little apart, making room for his enormous cock.

I leaned in to take him in my mouth when he asked me to remove my lipstick. I couldn’t believe it. Normally, I would have given whoever did that the middle finger, but I was putty around him. He could have asked me to bungee jump off London Bridge, and I would have, which was major for someone who hated heights.

After I’d cleaned my face, upon his request, I felt so exposed I hid my face with my hands.

He moved my hands and stared into my eyes. “You’re naturally beautiful, Savvie. Don’t fucking forget it. You don’t need that shit on your face. Now suck my dick.”

I’d saluted the former soldier, got down on my knees, and ravaged him. Just as he then devoured me, turning me into a writhing, orgasmic wreck. It was like we were starving for each other.

The pleasant memory faded, and harsh reality came crashing back down as I crept over to him. My legs felt like wood.

On my approach, his attention moved away from the girl whispering in his ear, and his eyes burned into mine again.

“Hey, Carson.” I grimaced and smiled meekly at the same time.

“I see you’ve brought your boyfriend.” He cocked his head towards Bram, who banged on the table like a petulant brat. He yelled something and his father grabbed him by the arm and then looked over at me.

Shit. Lord Pike expects me to babysit his out-of-control son too?

“It’s complicated. Can I see you later?” I bit my lip.

He cocked his head towards the gaming table. “But you’re with him.”

I released a deep sigh. I hoped Bram would flake out somewhere in a corner so that I could sneak off. Embarrassing as that would be. My mother was already giving me strange looks. Bram made my ex, Dusty, look like a volunteer for old people’s homes.

This was bad.

I wanted to cry.

“It’s not how it looks.” Tears pricked my eyes and, before he could respond, I fled off to the powder room.

I found Theadora leaning into the mirror, painting her lips.

Unable to hold back the flood of tears, I fell onto the armchair and buried my head.