Crisp, Bram’s father, and other guests sat around the table, stacking their chips.

“Evening, Daddy.” Bram stood by his father. They even had the same beady eyes.

Meanwhile, I looked over at Carson, slid my eyes and tipped my head ever so slightly towards the powder room. I needed to speak to him, badly. At least to give him some kind of watered-down version of this latest drama.

Ethan swung by with his arm linked to Mirabel’s. Wearing a green-and-white-polka-dot ruffled dress, she looked Spanish with a flower in her long, lustrous red hair.

“Are you performing?” I pecked her cheek.

“No. But I saw this at a vintage market and couldn’t resist.”

“You look gorgeous as always,” I said.

Ethan had grown a beard, and every time I saw him, I couldn’t help but giggle. “Hey, hipster brother.”

He laughed. “My barber’s missing me.”

“I bet he is.”

“Mother hates it, of course.”

I chuckled. It was the lightest I’d felt all night. “Speaking of which, she’s arrived with Carrington on her arm. They’ve become serious.”

He nodded. “She’s got stars in her eyes, all right.”

“What do you know about him? Other than he’s a writer?”

Ethan nodded a greeting at Kelvin, who stood out in a purple sparkly jacket.

“Kelvin’s looking like a Christmas decoration again,” he muttered, making Mirabel laugh.

“Mum’s happy. That’s the main thing,” Ethan said. “Cary seems like a nice guy.”

“Will was a nice guy, and look what happened there,” I said.

Bram yelled out something, drawing everyone’s attention over to the roulette. Always the performer, he downed a shot and clicked his fingers for the roaming server.

Humiliated, I wanted to hide under a rock.

“You’re still seeing that dickhead?” Ethan asked.

I sighed. “It’s a long, shitty story. I could use your help.”

He was about to respond when Declan arrived with Theadora. She looked like a goddess, as always, in a red silk gown with a short train.

Carson met my gaze again. From the moment I arrived, we hadn’t stopped stealing glances, which only intensified this pressing urge to talk to him.

A couple of babes joined Carson, giving him that, “Can we see what’s inside those fitted slacks?” look.

I wanted to scream, “Stay away. He’s mine.” A painful sigh made my spirit deflate as I dug my nails into my palm.

I turned to my brothers. “I need to talk to both of you outside.”

Declan looked concerned. He had good cause to be. This time, I’d made a mess of things.

“What’s happened?” he asked.

“Just give me five minutes. I’ll meet you both outside by the fountain.” My mouth trembled slightly. I hated to have to tell them about the tape. Shame turned me to stone.