We moved in and out like we were driven by some primitive sexual hunger, and her moans grew louder, more desperate.

“Am I hurting you?” I had to ask because she sounded in pain.

“Yes. Divinely so. You’re really fucking big. Oh my god.”

I paused for a moment.

“Don’t stop.” She clutched onto my arse and pushed me into her deeply.

She spread her legs so wide, I would have paid a fortune for that image. “You’re very flexible.”

“I did ballet for fifteen years.”

“That explains these beautiful legs.” As I continued to pump into her, I squeezed her curvy butt. “I want you to cream all over my cock. I need you to come. Like now.”

My breathing turned ragged as we built up a rhythm. The intensity of friction seemed to ignite sparks. Our pelvises rubbed together as she clutched onto me, our slick bodies pressed tightly together.

I’d never experienced this kind of heat.

I looked into her eyes and then tasted her lips as her pussy clung to my cock.

She groaned into my mouth, and my deepening thrusts intensified to make her go all the way. “I need you to come,” I repeated.

Unable to hold back, I let go. My head exploded. And a galaxy of stars along with it.

She screamed, writhing in my arms as we drowned in our orgasms.

I’d experienced no one like her, and I’d fucked a lot in my life.

This was something else. Savanah was something else.

Chapter 9


Itfeltlikeheavenin his arms as he kissed every inch of my body. His mounded chest tasted like salt as he caressed the contours of my hips and stroked my hair.

I’d never experienced this kind of passion before. The way he devoured me all over. When he thrust into me, his eyes held mine, taking me somewhere deep. He seemed to fuck with his entire soul. It was raw and primal between us, but also tender and caring.

As he kept stroking me, I could have just stayed in his arms forever. His warm, strong body made me feel safe. Every time I closed my eyes, I found myself under the sun in a field of flowers, dancing like an innocent child.

Although I was anything but that. Carson had removed my armour and stripped me naked, leaving me giddy and overwhelmed and all the emotions in between.

I think I might have just fallen in love.

A few tears slid down my cheek after I came and, hoping he didn’t notice, I nestled into his neck. I seemed to be drowning in emotion. The last thing I wanted was to frighten him by acting all weepy. Of course, not helped by Bram being on my trail, which had turned me into a nervous wreck.

“That was insane,” I said at last.

“For me too.” His deep voice penetrated my ear, which rested on his chest. “You came? I felt you. Yes?”

Is that need in his voice?

A smile the size of the sun grew on my face.

He kept stroking me. His feathery touches made me want to lie there forever.

“How is it you haven’t fucked for so long?” I asked. “You have a reputation for being a player, I’d heard, and Collette was virtually fucking you on the dance floor.”