He grabbed the drunken lord like he would a child and dragged the ranting and raving old man off.

Everyone knew about his drug-addict son, Bram. I couldn’t believe that someone as cool and sophisticated as my aunt would go for that piece of shit.

I’d met druggies like him before. All kind of arty and full of crap.

So he’d overdosed. It wasn’t a big deal or surprise.

I hated drugs. I didn’t get the appeal. And I hated needles. At least my skin was smooth enough to not need Botox injections. And my lips were fine just as they were. During my stint as a beautician, I’d learned to inject collagen fillers to give girls those “cock-sucking” lips everyone favoured. That was the beauty of being rebellious. I didn’t feel the urge to get around with duck lips to attract anyone.

After he’d kicked out Bram’s father, Drake returned, combed back his thick dark hair that always hung with a sexy lick over his forehead, and gave my grandmother a nod of confidence.

That’s when I decided to change my life, for the better.

Corrupted by a billionaire, I’d done things I wasn’t proud of.

But that was about to change.


Sheree bent down in front of me to pick up the weights. Dressed in a low-cut top, her tits ballooned out.

Carson was away on his honeymoon for a month and had me running Reboot. I’d even had to employ more instructors. I filled most of my day training. All were mainly older women who wore skimpy fitness wear, expensive gold trinkets, and were drenched in perfume.

For now, this was me: personal trainer to mainly rich, hot-to-trot women and performing security duties for the Lovechildes. I’d soon pay off my apartment and then I’d try something else.

Just before Declan found me, I was about to join the army when a punch-up got me into trouble. It wasn’t my first offence. As a teenager, I had a thing for breaking into cars. It was my way of dealing with my sick mother. That’s what I told the counsellor, which wasn’t bullshit. I’m sure that kept me out of the lockup. And then Declan Lovechilde became my hero, and my life changed overnight. I became a gym junkie and a personal trainer.

Manon arrived wearing joggers and a tiny top, and my heart raced again. She was so beautiful I couldn’t think straight. I knew she was up to something with Crisp. I couldn’t stand him, and if she was screwing him, I couldn’t exactly ask her out. Besides, I didn’t share.

Up to now, I hadn’t had to.

But I’d met no one like Manon. Nor had a girl made me so fucking hot just from a glance. She had the sort of attitude like the world owed her something, that made me want to kiss that pout off her face.

“I’ll be there in a minute,” I said.

Her big dark, almost-black eyes tranced me out again, and I almost forgot what I was doing.

When she’d asked if I could take her through the boot camp course, I was tempted to pass her over to someone else, but she fascinated me. It was like I couldn’t refuse her anything.

She reminded me of a lazy cat. One of those seriously attractive pussies that lounged about while everyone stroked her. She didn’t strike me as the type who’d take easily to orders, which is something we did as personal trainers—make people sweat.

I decided to take her for a run through the forest. I hadn’t had a run for a couple of days, and I needed one, badly. Especially with her around.

Being by the sea and surrounded by the forest was as good as it got for someone who’d grown up in a suburb surrounded by concrete. I fell in love with the forest from the minute I set foot in it. I never admitted that at first.

Whenever I could, which was almost daily, I’d run to the cliffs and back, which was an eight-kilometre trip. That beat any drug out there, and I’d tried a few. Nothing compared to the high of exercising in nature, surrounded by the type of views that I’d only ever seen on TV.

“Where are you taking me?” she asked, as though I was about to lure her somewhere for hot sex.

I wish.

“We’re going to run through the forest. There’s a great path there.”

She gave me one of her lingering brain-picking looks. “I thought it would be all about weights and machines.”

I crooked my finger. “Come on. It’s a nice day.”

We jogged slowly for about ten minutes, and then she stopped.