I sighed.

“What is it then?” she pressed.

“You know how Bram overdosed and was found dead in some backstreet in London?” I paused to catch my breath. “Well, I was visited by a detective.”

Her brow pinched. “Why didn’t you tell me?”

I slid my finger over my ruffled gown. “Do you like it?”

“It’s stunning.”

“Do you think I made the right choice?”

She studied me again, closely. “Are we talking about the dress?”

I nodded meekly.

“Pink is a favourite colour of mine. And yes, you’ve made the right choice. Both in dress and husband.” She held my eyes. “So what did this detective ask exactly?” My mother knitted her fingers, which caught my attention.

“He wanted to know about my relationship with Bram.”

“Did you tell him he was blackmailing you?”

“I didn’t tell him anything. Just that we were dating for a while.”

Carson walked in, and my mother turned to him. “Have you heard about the detective?”

He nodded.

I quickly put my dress away. “Can’t have you seeing my wedding frock.”

He smiled at me.

“So you didn’t mention the tape?” my mother asked.

I shook my head.

“He was found without his phone.” Carson’s response roused my curiosity.

“How do you know?” This was the first I’d heard about the police investigation.

He rubbed his neck. “I inquired.”

“Does that mean that whoever has that phone can find the video?” I asked.

Carson’s glance over at my mother wasn’t lost on me. “Savvie, it’s over. Don’t worry about anything. That tape no longer exists.”

My mouth had grown dry. “How can you be so sure?”

“Carson’s right, darling. It’s over.” Wearing a comforting smile, my mother touched my hand.

“But the detective wants to speak to me again.”

“That’s best left to our lawyer,” she said.

I nodded. Something didn’t sit right. But I couldn’t allow this to fog my special day. Bram overdosing, although sad for him and his family, had arrived rather neatly before my wedding, which made me wonder whether it was a coincidence or something a little more arranged.

Carson, remaining tight-lipped following my discussing the detective’s visit and my mother’s “It’s for the best” comment, kept spinning around in my thoughts.