“So, have you both agreed on dresses?” I asked.

“Please don’t ask us to wear the same outfit. That’s soooo last century.”

“I wouldn’t dream of it.” I giggled.

Talking about clothes at least gave me a break from the whole Bram affair. Although the thought of losing ten thousand pounds a week left an ugly taste. Carson cracked his knuckles, and his face turned dark and ferocious whenever I spoke of Bram. I could almost smell the adrenaline, which freaked me out because I couldn’t risk losing the love of my life to prison. If it meant keeping Bram at arm’s length and Carson staying away from the law, then blackmail was a small price to pay.

Sienna must have noticed my bleak face again. “Lighten up, sweets. Think wedding. Forget that fuckwit.”

Easier said than done.

How could I look at the wedding guests, on what should have been the best day of my life, knowing that some of them had seen me starkers with a dick in my mouth?

With that heavy thought stalking me, I went back to Mayfair, dropped some Xanax, and turned off my phone.

Aconstantbeepingsoundwoke me. Forcing my heavy eyelids to open, I heard my name coming from a distance.

As I lifted my lids slowly, a tall, solid figure came into focus.

Carson took my hand as a nauseating medicinal stench made it to my nostrils, alerting me to being in hospital.

“What happened?” My throat hurt as I spoke.

“You overdosed.” Carson’s hazel eyes echoed with concern.

“How?” I asked.

He looked bewildered. “You didn’t do it on purpose?”

While searching my memory, I finally realised the implication of that question. “No. Of course not. I just had a few drinks and took some Xanax.”

“Savvie, they had to pump your stomach.”

I sat up and the pain raced through me like someone had stabbed me in the gut. “Seriously? I don’t recall a thing.”

He exhaled loudly. “Why didn’t you speak to me?”

“Does my mother know?” It hurt even to panic. I’d sworn to my mother that I’d stopped popping Xanax.

“I’m not sure. It happened last night, and luckily, the hospital found my number on your phone.”

“Shit. I hope she doesn’t find out. Please don’t tell anyone. I’ve got enough shit to deal with.”

He held my hand and gave me one of his fear-conquering smiles. I could deal with anything with that beautiful man showing me love.

Carson stayed with me all day, taking calls and working from the ward with his laptop balancing on those sexy, muscular thighs. He was heart-warmingly considerate. He even spoke softly to not disturb me.

“Hey, sweetheart, you don’t have to stay if you’re busy. I understand,” I said.

“From now on, I will stick close. I don’t want that junkie finding you ever again.”

“He wouldn’t come here,” I said.

He wore his “I’m not budging” face, and I closed my eyes and rested.

They discharged me a few hours later, and we headed back to Mayfair, where we stayed until I’d fully recovered.

One month later…