“When you left, she was broken-hearted.”

He smiled sadly. “That’s nice to know. I mean, I don’t like to hear she suffered, of course.”

I smiled. “It’s okay. I get it.”

“Oh, well, I best get back inside. I have to leave first thing in the morning.”

“Sorry for being rude earlier.”

“Think nothing of it.” He kissed me on the cheek and off he went, leaving me with all kinds of sad, swirling thoughts.

Chapter 30


Icrawledoutofmy cave late morning. Accepting that life went on, regardless of a heavy heart, I headed straight to Merivale, mainly to see Savanah, but also because Caroline had asked to see me urgently.

Janet answered the door and told me that Savanah had gone to London, which struck me as strange. She also hadn’t answered the text I’d sent, apologising for failing to return her calls, and that I’d fallen into a rabbit hole of grief because of my brother’s passing.

As always, Caroline sat at her desk. Her hair was up in a bun. Her eyes were bright and even a little cheerful, which, after the depressing events of the past day or so, I found refreshing.

Only Savanah had me worried. Knowing she was in London with Bram on the loose raised my temperature.

“Shut down the undercover mission.”

My brow creased. “Okay. Can I ask why?”

“Savanah met the girl you’d recruited. And now she’s got all sorts of ideas going on in her head.”

Shock creased my brow. “How?”

She told me how Savvie visited my apartment and met Tiffany.

No wonder she’s not taking my calls.

“On your request, I kept it a secret, and evidentally Tiffany didn’t divulge either. That’s why I’m calling it off. This girl’s cover is blown and, well…” She played with her gold pen. “I’m going to have to turn a blind eye, so to speak.”

“Everyone wants that place shut down, Mrs. Lovechilde.”

“Call me Caroline.” She nodded slowly. “I know. I’ll think of something. Tell Savanah about the girl if that will help.” She removed a chequebook and scribbled five thousand pounds. “Give this to Tiffany and send her back.”

Rubbing my neck, I lingered despite Caroline having finished with me.

“Is there something else?” she asked.

“Look, um… some information has come my way. It’s pretty serious.”

Her brow pinched.

“I believe there’s a drug cartel operating from the casino.”

The pen dropped from her fingers. “What?”

“Apparently, drugs are being smuggled via the local port and are distributed from the casino.”

“Your source?”

I took a moment to answer. Guilty shame took a grip, which was like adding salt to a wound because the pain of my brother’s death intensified.