As Jacinta turned to see what had grabbed my attention, I dragged her to hide. “That’s Carson.”

“Oh, so it is.” She looked puzzled. “Why are we hiding? And who’s that girl?”

“Good fucking question. I don’t want him to see me.”

“You’re trying to catch him out?”

“Well, look at them.”

“She could be family,” Jacinta said. “They’re not doing anything.”

With long blond hair and a full figure, the stunning girl waved and then left Carson.

“Shit.” My body, along with my spirit, sagged. From gliding along on top of the world, I’d crashed into a thorny bush.

“I’m sure there’s an explanation,” Jacinta said.

After Carson disappeared around the corner, I had this powerful urge to text him and make demands. I took a deep breath instead. Something he’d taught me to do whenever I jumped to conclusions and ranted and raved before learning the facts.

Instead, I decided to ask him face-to-face at Mayfair.

“Did you see how pretty she was?” I went on, as we sat down and ordered a drink at our favourite little bar.

“I’m sure there’s a valid explanation. Don’t worry. From everything you’ve said, and the vibe I got from him, he’s not like that.”

“To be honest, I know little about Carson other than he was in the army, and he’s got a brother who’s a drug addict and involved in criminal gangs.”

“That sounds colourful.” Jacinta sipped her drink. “Don’t worry. I’m sure there’s a reasonable explanation. Let’s talk about your wedding. Something nice.”

AfterleavingJacinta,Icut across an alleyway to hail a cab when Bram stepped in front of me and startled me.

I hadn’t seen him since that encounter in Mayfair and had even stopped thinking about him, in the hope he’d finally gone.

It shouldn’t have come as a surprise; Bram was London through and through. He’d even once admitted to a fear of flying, and that he loved London.

“Oh, for heaven’s sake,” I muttered under my breath. “What now? You were in France, according to your dad.”

“I’m back. I missed my little cash cow.”

I rolled my eyes.

Cash cow? Really?

“I’m not giving you another penny, Bram. Now fuck off.”

He pushed me against a wall. And despite the odd passer-by, that tiny lane was a perfect location to be murdered in broad daylight.

He poked into my ribs. “It wouldn’t take much for me to post that video on the dark web. That means it will go viral and live on forever so that your children…” A malicious smile grew on his once handsome face, which grew uglier each time I saw him. “Oh, that’s right. I made sure you wouldn’t be able to procreate. My little gift to humanity. A few less spoiled little shitheads to crowd the gentry.” His malevolent chuckle froze my heart.

What could I say? He might have a knife. I would never get rid of this monster, and I’d be forever known as that rich girl who got caught with a cock in her mouth while being tongued by a girl.

I suddenly understood why some people took their lives due to bullying. If it weren’t for Carson, I might have done just that. Only as I stared into those hollow eyes, I refused to allow him to control or intimidate me. I could do anything. I had money. I had resources.

“I’ll send you another ten thousand,” I said with resignation. He stood so close his fetid breath made me want to puke.

“Why don’t we make this a regular thing? You set up a direct debit and post me ten big ones a week.” Revealing his yellow teeth, he chuckled.

I released a deep sigh of frustration. “Are you ever going to leave me alone?”