Knowing how ‘out there’ Manon was, I sympathized with Caroline.

“Manon’s her own person. She’s like nineteen going on thirty. She strikes me as ambitious, but I don’t get the feeling she’s throwing herself at Crisp.”

She studied me. “I hope you’re right.”

I could see her granddaughter’s welfare meant everything to her, which raised my respect. Not only had that mudslinging video threatening her daughter’s reputation challenged her, but she had this feisty granddaughter mixing with a man whom I wouldn’t trust with my worst enemy.

“I cornered Conrad Pike,” I said.

Her brow pinched. “And? Can he at least put a stop to that disgusting tape?”

“He reassured me that Bram was in France.”


“Don’t worry. He won’t go near your daughter again. I’ve turned it into my life's mission.” I smiled.

“You’re inseparable, I believe.” She played with a gold pen. “Are you serious about her?”

I took a moment to answer. Only because I wasn’t sure how she would take my response.

I nodded.

Expressionless, her uncompromising stare made me flinch.

Had I betrayed her trust?

After all, she’d paid me to protect her daughter, not shag her and somehow fall in love in the process.

“So, what’s your intention?”

I went to speak when she added, “I only ask because Savanah’s fragile, especially since her father’s death. Her choice in men, as you know, has been deplorable.” She tapped her red sharp nails together. “But I’ve noticed a pleasing change in her. Her course is going well, which doesn’t surprise me. She’s a creatively talented girl, who, until now, has rarely stayed the course. This wealthy lifestyle, I’m sure, contributed to her inability to focus, but there’s also been something broken in her. She’s suddenly brighter. Happier. Almost that girl she was before falling in with the wrong crowd, so to speak.”

I nodded, listening to a report about the woman who’d stolen my heart.

She continued, “I’m only saying all of this because I think you’ve been a beneficial influence on my daughter.”

I breathed a silent sigh of relief. “Savvie’s warm, intelligent, and boasts a ton of talent. She’s unique, and I admire that.”

“I know that. It’s what makes her special but what also gets her into trouble.” A tight line formed on her lips. “So, what’s your plan? Are you sticking around?”

“I’m not going anywhere.”

“Would you be prepared to marry her?” She inclined her head. As always, Caroline Lovechilde was hard to read.

Is she wanting me to marry her daughter?

Or is she asking for another reason?

I scratched my chin as I asked my heart that question and then my head. The two were opposed.

I went with my heart. “I’d marry her tomorrow if she’d have me.”

A flurry of purple raced in, and before I knew it, Savanah had her arms around me.

“Sneaking around eavesdropping again, I see,” her mother said with a grin.

“I only just caught that last bit. The best bit.” Savanah bubbled over with excitement like we were about to go on a trip around the world. She wrapped her arms around my neck, close to strangling me with affection. “Do you mean it?”