“Savvie, you know me by now, don’t you?”

She smiled tightly. “I do.”

“Then you have to take me the way I am. I’m not that guy who wears cravats or fitted slacks that sit on the ankles, sock free.”

She cuddled me. “I know. And you look hot in jeans. Can we at least shop for some designer jeans?”

“Levi’s,” I declared. “Checkered shirts and Levi’s. Just like John Fogerty.”

“Huh?” Her brow creased. “I don’t know him.”

“‘I Heard It Through the Grapevine.’ Remember that song I played in the car? You’ve heard it a few times. You told me you liked it.”

“You want to dress like an American?” She looked puzzled.

I laughed. “Come on. Let’s get that ice cream.”

And that was our little shopping expedition in London. It always ended up at a bar or an ice cream parlour. Anywhere but a boutique or Harrods.

I even made her promise that she wouldn’t drag me shopping for clothes again. That disappointed her, but in return I promised not to drag her to motorbike showrooms.

She shook my hand. “Deal. You do alpha male things, and I’ll stick to being a girl.” Her eyes searched mine. Given our different worlds, I sensed she needed to know that we could work.

In the bedroom, we were compatible to a fault. A fault because we’d spend hours fucking and cuddling and just being.

It was nice.

Better than nice.

I’d fallen for her.

Declan and Theadora joined me along with their three-year-old son, Julian, who seemed fixated on a very cute corgi pup.

I greeted them. “Nice day.”

Declan hugged me. “Glad you could make it. We like having you here.”

Why was he saying that? Was he reading my insecurity about being the guy from the wrong side of town mincing with wealth?

That’s how I felt at these functions, but all it took was a few beers and Savvie saying silly, amusing things to drop those useless thoughts.

“Julian, don’t pull Bertie’s tail.” Shaking her head, Theadora turned to me. “He thinks the puppy’s a toy.”

“Bertie does look like a toy,” I said of the black-and-white pup. I bent down and rubbed the canine’s little belly. “How old is he?”

“He’s six months,” Declan said. “I bought him for my mother. She’s always wanted a corgi.”

“Black-and-white’s unusual,” I said.

Theadora picked up the pooch and rocked him in her arms. “He’s so adorable, though.” She gave Declan a pleading smile.

Declan regarded me. “Thea and Julian are constantly at me to get a pup.”

Savanah joined us. She took my hand, and my face heated. I hadn’t told Declan about us, but going on his smile, I gathered he already knew. Savanah kept little from her brothers.

“We’re dating,” Savanah said to Theadora and anyone else who might have been interested.

That’s where we differed. I was extremely private, while Savanah loved to talk about anything and everything.