I sighed. This was to be our one night off. But I couldn’t go one night without needing him, and this time it wasn’t because I wanted him in my bed.

“He wants money. I’m about to transfer some to him. He’s threatening to send the video to the fucking media.”

“You should have pressed charges, Savvie.”

“I’ll send him ten thousand dollars, but that will be it.”

“I wouldn’t send him anything.” He sounded justifiably annoyed at me. I know I should have been stronger, but what no one knew, including Carson, was that I would have snapped had I walked into that courtroom. Or even if I hadn’t attended, just reading about it in the media would have broken me. Even a Xanax habit couldn’t have improved that.

“But he’s threatening to send out that video.”

“I’ll be there soon. Do nothing until I arrive.”

“But he’s threatening to release the footage within half an hour. I’ll pay him this once and then we can involve the police. I promise.”

“If that’s what you want.” He puffed.

“Are you pissed off with me for dragging you out here?”

“No. I mean, I was working for your mother, casing Ma Chérie, but I explained the situation. She seemed pretty worried about you.”

“I love you, Carson.”

I closed the call and transferred ten thousand pounds into Bram’s account.

WhenIwasaboutto enter my mother’s office, I heard her talking to Crisp, so I paused at the door to listen.

“I want it shut down.”

“Caroline, I own that land.”

“That burlesque bar, as you call it, is bringing disrepute to our name. People still associate that land with the Lovechildes, and these establishments of yours are disturbingly close to Elysium.”

“Casinos have always been the playground for the rich. Look at Monte Carlo.”

“I’ve never seen thugs loitering around the French casino, which I’ve visited more than one occasion.”

“The casino’s invite-only,” he said. “They’re not thugs. They’re wealthy patrons. New money. Mainly tech billionaires who are following this ugly tattooing trend. It’s hard to distinguish some from lowlifes.” He chuckled. “You know that better than most, given Savanah’s choice of boyfriends.”

“I don’t want Pike anywhere near us. His son is wreaking havoc on my daughter’s life and reputation.”

“Then she should have gone ahead with the trial and not dropped all charges. Besides, Conrad has now distanced himself from his son.”

“Whichever way, I don’t want Lord Pike anywhere near Merivale, or Elysium, for that matter. Can’t you see how bad it looks? Just by association. By now, everyone knows about this ghastly sex tape scandal. And Pike parading amongst us only perpetuates gossip.”

“I’m sure he knows he’s persona non grata here at Merivale, but concerning Salon Soir and beyond, Conrad is a close friend. And let’s remember, Caroline, I own you.”

There was a deathly silence, and my body froze.

He stepped out and, on seeing me there, grinned. “Sneaking around listening to people’s conversations again, I see.”

I stuck up my middle finger at him.

He returned his signature uncompromising smirk. “Have a nice day, Savanah.” He stopped and turned. “If you ever need a new career, there’s a producer I can introduce you to.” His raised eyebrow spoke volumes about what kind of film industry he referred to.

“Fuck off.”

Manon swanned in just as I spat that out.