“Did you bring some more practical footwear?”

“I brought a few pairs of flats. They’re in there somewhere.” I pointed at the heavier piece of luggage.

He lifted it, and his muscles strained against his polo, making me all hot and bothered again. “It weighs a ton. You must have brought an entire shopful.”

I laughed. “Almost. I like my shoes.”

“I’ve noticed.” His eyes had gone into melty chocolate, and that spark of heat again sent a twinge of pain. My clit couldn’t throb without my pelvis complaining.

“There’s a boathouse that belongs to the family. I’ll show you once we’ve settled.”

His face brightened. “Now you’re talking. Love boats.”

I laughed. “You’re such a boy.”

He raised my two bags while the other smaller bags slung over his shoulders. “And you’re such a girl. I mean, Savanah, really. All of this. It’s ridiculous.”

“Hello. We’re here for a month, you know.” The thought of spending a month with Carson invigorated me. Normally, my ADHD would have me running for Europe and hotel swapping. But after everything that had happened, anxiety had kicked my short attention span in the butt.

“Do you want me to carry something?” I marvelled at how he managed five pieces of luggage. Those muscles threatened to burst a seam or two.

He shook his head. “I’m good.”

Oh… That you are.

Chapter 20


I’dneverfeltsomuch hatred before. And for a former soldier who’d seen his fair share of human cruelty, that was some admission. Seeing that beautiful face and those perfect eyes surrounded by bruising was like seeing a work of art destroyed by brainless criminals. And Bram was as brainless as he was sadistic.

I could almost understand a man beating another man for some stupid reason, like being drunk and in the mood to hit out at the world, but a woman?

Savanah didn’t know that I’d gone to visit Bram’s family home again. Soon as I heard Bram was out on bail, I drove to London in the middle of the night, looking for the prick. This time, Bram’s old man blocked my entry. Unlike his son, he wasn’t an idiot. He knew that if I got a hold of Bram, he’d end up in hospital.

And now there I was, away from London and the temptation to throttle the bastard beating at my chest. My Mr. Nice Guy did not extend to woman beaters.

It was a risk, me there for a month with the woman who’d taken up lodgings in my dick. However, my need to protect her trumped sexual frustration, of which there was plenty. As I was quickly discovering.

Just a whiff of her rose fragrance made me burn for her. I had to keep focusing on the tasks before me, like carrying that ridiculously heavy luggage up a ton of steps to that ghost house.

Savanah’s safety was all that mattered. The insanely outrageous sum deposited into my account had little to do with this mission, which I saw as a labour of love.

Savanah had not only moved into my dick but also my soul. After seeing her in the hospital, my emotions went haywire. I’d never felt that kind of fear of losing someone before. Other than my mother, of course. But she deteriorated slowly, giving my emotions time to process the pain.

Despite something telling me that Savanah and I could never make it past that gorging stage, I couldn’t control these deeper feelings.

I even went to return the money but didn’t because her mother might grow suspicious. Billionaire heiresses didn’t normally have relationships with their bodyguards.

“You’ve got rocks in this luggage,” I said, heaving the load up the steep steps.

She walked ahead. “Let me see if Jim can help.”

“I’m good.” Seeing the extraordinary view, and having never visited Cornwall, I fell in love with what looked like ancient, untouched land.

Savanah knocked on the door. We waited for a while, and after another go, no one answered.

“You don’t have a key?”