She shrugged like a teenager being told not to smoke and then sashayed off.

“Fuck, she does my head in,” he admitted.

“She’s seriously out there.” I referred to her skimpy gear, which was composed of fabric barely covering her nipples and arse.

“Tell me about it.” The twenty-year-old sounded tortured.

I sniffed at his grimace. “Are you sleeping with her?”

“I wish. She just offered to go down on me the other night. Then that old, red-headed dickhead dragged her away.”

“Best not get involved there. He’s your boss.”

“Mrs. Lovechilde employed me.” His mouth lifted at one end. “I mean, you employed me too.”

“About that.” I took a breath. It wasn’t much fun giving orders.

I was about to speak when, in the distance, Savanah tottered along in super high heels, while, close behind, wearing a bright-blue velvet suit with messed-up hair, Bram strutted along, looking half-asleep.

I noticed Savanah’s hand behind her back holding onto his, as though trying to hide him.

What the fuck.

A knot curled in my stomach. We’d only met yesterday for some hard, raunchy sex.

Maybe that’s all it was for her. She wanted my body. My dick. She couldn’t take it out of her mouth or stop touching it.

“You were saying?” Drake snapped me out of that sexy thought.

“You need to stay on guard. No flirting. Pull on the tough-guy look. Think of what you might do to some arsehole if he were to hurt your mum. That kind of attitude.”

He sniffed. “I’d fucking kill him.”

“Maybe that’s going far. But in this job, you’re playing Mr. Tough Guy. You can’t go all goo-ga over a chick. Even if she offers to blow you. Yeah?”

He nodded. “I’ll work harder at ignoring Manon and her flirty chit-chat.”

“Good idea. In any case, she’s trouble.” I stared straight into Savanah’s heavily painted blue eyes as I spoke, and instead of grinning back, she looked stressed out.

Why is she holding that dick’s hand?

She’s meant to hate him.

Bram hooked his arm around her shoulders and leaned into her, making her lose her balance. I had to help steady her by taking her arm.

“Thanks, Carson.” Her mouth trembled into a smile.

Is she also drugged?

“Hey.” I looked from her to her date.

“This is Bram.”

He grunted and pulled a cheesy grin. Sarcastic arsehole. I don’t think he remembered my threatening him at Cirque.

He leaned and kissed her as though to claim her, while her panicked, wide eyes remained glued to my face.

After a tense pause, I said, “Oh well, should be fun. See you in there.”