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They continue sharing details of their trip to Italy. Each of them tells me about their favorite parts. It sounds like it was incredible.

“I wish you would have come, Anna!” Aly tells me.

I roll my eyes. “And intrude on basically your honeymoon? Weareclose, but I don’t need to know what goes on behind closed doors!”

Jax’s face turns bright red while Kiran and Jay laugh their asses off. The more serious of the group, Jeremy and Nicoli smile.

Aly spits her water across the table, hitting me with it. Her eyes widen when she realizes what happened.

Nic passes me a napkin, and I dab my face clean.

“You’re the worst,” I say, throwing a mocking glare at Aly.

She feigns innocence with a bashful grin. “You started it!”

“You’re both crazy,” Jay says before I can respond.

We finish up a dinner full of happiness and laughter. I know I need to come over more. They always bring me joy; lord knows I need it right now.

I begin helping clear the dishes, but Jay stops me with a firm hand on my arm. “I’ve got it, Anna. Thanks for coming. Aly lights up when you’re around, and not just her. We all love your company. I’ve said it before but, you’re welcome here anytime.”

I blush a little at his words, appreciating the welcome. It’s not one I deserve, guilt settles in my gut as I remember that.

“Thanks, Jay. I love being around you guys too.”

He leaves the dishes behind and follows me out of the kitchen. Everyone is spread out around the living room, getting comfortable. Jay heads directly to Aly, picks her up, and sits her on his lap.

I would love to stay and relax with them, maybe even watch a show but I have a late night shift at the bar.

I clear my throat. “I’m going to head out, but thank you, guys, for having me over for dinner. It was incredible.”

Aly sits up straight, looking at me with puppy dog eyes. They’re impressively better than Bailey’s. “You’re leaving already?”

“Yeah, I’ve got to get going, but thanks again.”

Aly stands up, pulling me into the kitchen behind her. “Here, take some blood before you leave.”

She has no idea I’ve been feeding and don’t need this, but I would never deny the delicacy of her blood. It’s a million times better than any human could offer.

She prepares it for me, cutting her hand and bleeding into the cup. She would heal quickly, but I know Nic will heal her as soon as he sees the cut.

When she passes it to me, I throw it back, enjoying how the flavors burst across my tongue.

“Thanks,” I whisper as we head back into the living room.

I hug everyone goodbye, and Nic follows me to the door.

“Maybe another time for that job conversation? I can start gathering information for you,” He asks.

I smile, but I’m bummed I have to leave and miss this conversation. “That would be great!”

I hug him too, but he doesn’t let me leave. His hand still resting on the doorknob, he turns to face me.

“Anna, I hate to bother you with this, but the council reached out. Have you heard or seen from Ryan?” Nic asks, his hand resting gently on my arm.

It feels like my entire body turned to lead as my stomach sinks to the floor.

Fucking Ryan.