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The door swings open before I can even knock.

“Hey!” Aly beams at me from inside the house. She’s got Bailey next to her.

It’s not like he needs a leash. He’s an incredibly intelligent animal. He doesn’t even need someone to walk him, but I think he enjoys going through the motions.

Before we knew he was a Familiar, we took him for many walks. I shared the role of caretaker with Aly.

“Hey! You still good if I take Bailey for a walk?” I ask.

“Of course! Would you want me to come?” As she asks, Jay comes up behind her, wrapping his arms around her waist. He nuzzles into her neck.

She turns to him with a smile.

Clearly, he’s not looking to be separated from his mate. I don’t mind. The walk is a good way to clear my head out in the world instead of being cooped up in my apartment.

“I’m good. Enjoy your time with Jay. I’ll be back in a little.”

They’re so lost in each other that I receive a muttered, “If you’re sure,” in response.

They’re adorable, and I’m so happy for Aly. She went from being anti-men to having five at her beck and call. Now I’m the one who’s a pessimist about relationships. How can I not be after my last one with Ryan? He changed my life, and I’m not sure it was for the better.

In a perfect world, I would try and find the positives about my life now, but sometimes it doesn’t feel like there are any.

Bailey trots behind me, following me onto the sidewalk in front of their house. He knows the usual path just as well as I do now.

Brickstone University’s campus is beautiful. Old and traditional buildings line the curving roads, and plentiful trees decorate the yards. It’s one of the reasons I like walking Bailey so much. The quiet scenery makes for the perfect environment to think.

As I round the corner of a tall building surrounded by trees, I halt as a prickling sensation climbs my neck. It feels like I’m being watched from behind. I turn around, peering into the evergreens.

What really startles me is how Bailey perks up, circling back around to face that way with me.

“Do you sense something Bailey?” I ask him with a slight quiver in my voice.

I’m aware that I, a vampire, shouldn’t be nervous walking around a college campus. But when you’ve been brutally murdered, and the culprit is still out there, you tend to be a little skittish.

I try to calm my thoughts. I’m walking around a college campus. There’s bound to be a random student or two walking around. I’m letting my anxiety get the best of me.

If Bailey was genuinely nervous, he would have sent the feeling down his bond with Aly, and she would have already shown up. As a hunter, she can transport herself anywhere in the world. She would be here in a heartbeat if she thought I was in trouble.

I take deep breaths to calm my racing heart, which still beats even as a vampire. I still have blood pumping through my system like any other creature.

I shake my hands, feeling how clammy they are, before continuing to walk. The prickling sensation has faded, so I’m sure whoever it was is gone now. Bailey follows behind me, continuing his walk, but he keeps glancing backward.

I’m sure he’s only checking because he picked up on my tension.

Eventually, the fresh air and wind’s gentle breeze helped me relax. A balm to my constant anxiety, the outdoors soothes me. It wasn’t always this way, but I can easily get overwhelmed with my new enhanced senses.

I pull a jerky strip, one of Bailey’s favorite treats, out of my pocket. He jumps up on his back paws when he smells it and sits patiently. I can’t believe there was a time when I thought I had to train him. He played us well.

I toss it into the air, and he catches it, barely munching it before swallowing it whole. He looks up at me with the sweetest eyes, all wide and innocent, begging for another piece.

“I’m sorry, buddy, I only brought the one!” I know better than to bring multiple treats. I am a sucker and always end up giving them all to him. He deserves everything, but my budget needs me to pace myself.

I also know he gets spoiled at home, so I don’t need to do it too. He’s got six parents at home who all sneak him treats and food throughout the day. If he wasn’t so active, I’m sure he would have gained weight by now.

We continue with him by my side, wandering when he catches a scent before returning to me.

I drop Bailey back off at Aly’s, going inside just long enough to say hello to everyone. Of course, they encouraged me to stay, but I quickly made my exit, not interested in socializing today.