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“Alpha team, thank you for coming. I’ll be quick.”

I can hear everyone’s heartbeat pick up, but I keep my stony mask on.

“You are being brought in on an existing case. The current team assigned to it has not made enough progress, so we are escalating the issue. Your current case will be reassigned.”

“What is the case?” Aksel asks.

“Vampire. I should tell you, the Ashfords are very invested and keeping a close eye on things.”

Interesting. What do the Ashfords have to do with this case? We all know Nicoli Ashford was recently involved in some supernatural drama. It was discovered that hunters, who were believed to be our enemies, were actually the missing fated mates to many in our community. The hunter elders used mages to cast a spell stopping everyone from finding their mates. When Nicoli and his friends, all different types of supernaturals, found their mate, a hunter, they blew it wide open, telling the world that our mates could be found in various races, including the hunters. Once the spell was reversed, people found mates all over the place.

I haven’t found my mate despite the spell being reversed.

It doesn’t make sense for them to care so much about one vampire unless he or she has more to do with things than we know.

“Okay, Director. And-” Griffyn is cut off.

“Now that you’re on the case, you can find all the details in the file. You’ll find some were left out of public records. We expect you to do the same and keep the details to yourself. Good luck.”

He turns around and returns to his paperwork, effectively dismissing us.

Aksel grabs the file, and we shuffle out of the room to find the dark fae waiting for us in the hall. She leads us back out to the front doors.

None of us say a word as we exit. We walk to the car, retake our seats, and pull away.

“How do we feel about this?” Felix asks.

I grunt in response.

“It’s a promotion,” Griffyn answers.

“It’s a case my father is invested in,” Aksel tells us.

Fuck. His dad holds the dark fae seat on the supernatural council. He’s… not a good man. He’s an elitist prick who Aksel rightfully hates. We don’t want anything that has him looking at us too closely.

The file is sitting on my lap. I flip it open.




WANTED FOR:Murder. Transitioning a human female against her will. Attempted murder of a prominent figure.

Unknown kill count

Continued threat to existing supernaturals

CAPTURE:Dead or Alive

“He turned a human,” I tell them, “It also mentions he’s a threat to existing supernaturals and attempted to murder a prominent figure.”

“It should tell us who,” Felix points out.

But it doesn’t. Even for the team handling the case, the information has been redacted. All we’ve learned is that this case is related to what happened to Nicoli Ashford.

“That’s all there is. The rest of the information is basically redacted. It says, ‘Full name is unknown, goes by the Alias Ryan. He attacked’ the next three paragraphs are blacked out until it goes on to say, ‘His motive is believed to be related to the discovery of hunters having mates.’ That’s everything.”