Page 6 of Loving Goldie

Thankfully, a blast of cold air hit me, cooling my overheated body. But before I left, I wanted to make sure she knew this wasn’t over. Nope, this was just the beginning.

Leaning down, I kissed her hard and swift before pulling back then turned to my rig. “Seven-thirty, beautiful. I’ll see you tomorrow.” I didn’t dare look back at her as I walked toward my truck. Confirmation of her desire for me turned out to be the hardest thing I’ve ever had to walk away from.

But by the way she responded to me, I had never felt more optimistic.



Ford had leftme stunned and needy after he left last night. I managed to finish making dinner, but Lily Ann was full of questions about Ford, and I couldn't help but compare him to her father and the news I dreaded to share with her.

“Mom, I’m ready.” My daughter had been born full of sunshine and even when she’d suffered from cancer, her positive attitude had barely diminished. She was also a morning person. I was not. I took another sip of my dark roasted coffee and let out a long sigh. I had twenty minutes before my self-appointed chauffer showed up and I still hadn’t figured out what to wear or what to say to him. Maybe I could just pretend that the firework laced kiss hadn’t happened. It was the best plan I could come up with after a night spent dreaming of possibilities and sweaty bodies pressed together, straining for the unicorn of orgasms.

“You okay, Mom? You have that weird face you make when you eat cheesecake, but we don’t have any, so what gives?”

Taking another sip of coffee and keeping my face averted from her prying eyes, sometimes it was quite the trial having such a self-aware kid. I wouldn’t trade her for anything even if it’d be years before I could truthfully explain what had put the goofy look on my face or the embarrassment of the flush heating my body at being caught imagining Ford naked.

“Fine. Just running late. I’ll see you tonight. Don’t forget your gloves.” Usually, she spent an hour before catching the school bus with Sissy Baker down the street, a retired schoolteacher and a gift from god. During winter break she’d been spending all day with the sitter. When Lily Ann had been declared cancer free and able to return to school, I’d found Mrs. Baker through a mutual friend. I only needed help in the morning and a few hours after school, until Lily was old enough to stay home on her own. She’d become the grandmother Lily never had since my mother passed when I was in my early twenties and, well, I had no idea about my ex's family. Yet one more reason to curse him. I had been far from young when we met, but he’s fifteen years older and told me he didn’t have siblings, but he lied to me so many times I’m not sure what was the truth anymore. He’d left home when he was seventeen and never returned. In the beginning I felt sorry for him missing out on family, but it had become quickly obvious he had no feelings for anyone but himself, but by then it was too late. I was pregnant within a few months of dating, then spent the following three years doing my best to shield Lily Ann from an uncaring father whose only interest in her was sporadic and given when it suited his needs.

A notification sounded on my cell, dragging me back to the moment. Oh shit, I had ten minutes until Ford would be here. And knowing him, he’d be on time. A habit I knew he possessed and was a running joke in the office. He truly cared about those that worked for him and Zak. I really shouldn’t be surprised at how he’d been looking out for me. And I knew all of his habits, because I’d noted most of them, studying how he interacted with all the employees—he treated them more like family members.

Nine minutes, fifty-two seconds later, my doorbell rang. Hopping on my right foot as I put on my left shoe, fast walked to the front door and pulled it open without looking.

Ford had an arm braced on the door frame, the other on his hip, and I swore he was giving me the stink eye. But dang, even with his scolding gaze, I felt the pull of attraction.

“I could have been anybody, Goldie. You should really be more careful.”

He stepped across the threshold after I waved him in. I made a childish show of throwing the deadbolt. “You’re right. However, I was expecting you. And typically, bad guys don’t ring the doorbell first, so….” Letting out yet another sigh over his squinted gaze, he must not have any idea that no matter the intent behind his look, my body involuntarily responded to him. A sharp shiver shot through me. He must have noticed my response. His eyes darkened, then he rubbed his chiseled chin.

I thought he might kiss me again. I wanted him to so very much. And if he didn’t in the next few seconds, I was ready to do something I never did, make the first move.

“Goldie, unless you want to be late…very, very late to work this morning, grab your coat and the rest of your things. I’m not sure you’re ready for what I’m thinking. But when you are, know this, an hour, even two, hell three, will not be enough for me and the plans I have for us. Because there’s no way in hell I’m going to leave your bed and race back to the office. No, Goldie, when you’re ready to fulfill the need I see in your eyes, I’m all yours… after work.”

Our gazes remained locked, but when he said the magic word, “work” it pulled me out of the sensual fog.Damnit. Why? Why’d he have to go and ruin a perfectly good fantasy? Stupid karma always messing in my love life. Why couldn’t I find the mailman or the grocery delivery guy as attractive as I did Ford? Someone…safe. Because I didn’t want safe. I wanted the intense pulse pounding, toe-curling, I might die if I can’t have them connection, desire and yes, even love.

“I’ve got an update on your car, plus I wanted to discuss the new account with you before we reach the office. They have some interesting ideas concerning how they do background checks on key employees that I want to run by you.” Putting more distance between us, he walked in a wide circle around me and walked back outside.

Well, that went well. I wanted so badly to call him back inside. For the first time since before Lily Ann was born, my libido was screaming. And then after she arrived, the change in my hormones hadn’t treated me very nicely and what had been a minimal case of endometriosis before I had her had flared into debilitating monthly periods, then constant pain every day.

My sex drive had pretty much disappeared, but it didn’t matter since by then my ex had left us and the last thing I’d wanted to do was date during and after Lily Ann’s battle with cancer.

To be honest, I’d never expected to experience ever again a rush of longing as I did from Ford’s lustful look or how my body had fired up again, every erogenous zone on full alert. Thanks to the health insurance I now had and the low dose hormones I chose to take, it was an incredible feeling. To be desired, to feel desire for someone.

Grabbing my things, I locked the front door, stepped off the porch, and found him holding the passenger door for me. Smiling, helped me in, and waited until I buckled my seat belt before he closed the door.

The beginning of the drive was awkward. I pulled out my cell and tried to read the dozen or so emails that had come in. Halfway to the office, he slowed and pulled into a drive-thru coffee stand.

“What would you like?”

“Um, you know, we have pretty good coffee at work.” I put my cell away and shifted forward in my seat to look at the menu.

“Sure, but here you can get a double shot espresso latte with whip cream, and they have over thirty flavors to choose from. It’s one of life’s little luxuries I like to indulge in from time to time. Everyone should, don’t you think?”

“Hey there, Ford. The usual?” An attractive dark-haired barista leaned out the window and gave him a wide smile.

“Time to time, huh?” Grinning, I scanned the menu again and chose the special of the day.

His face had turned pink. It was cute, and he was sweet.