Page 3 of Loving Goldie

Thinking back to this morning, I remembered how I felt when I saw her after she arrived back at the office. I could barely form a coherent response when she greeted me in the break room over coffee. Then seeing her at the restaurant, watching her blush over the waiter’s attention, had me seeing green.

Determined now more than ever, I formulated a plan that would leave no doubt in Goldie’s mind just how serious I was to make her mine.



The second dayback at work had started off well enough. I was finding my groove again and was in the middle of requesting two background checks when my cell phone beeped, indicating a voicemail. I kept it on my desk in case Lily Ann ever needed to get ahold of me. Texting was quicker than having to go through the switchboard.

The caller ID showed the one contact I had been waiting to hear from for months, while also dreading it at the same time. “Goldie Dupree speaking.” The tremble in my voice had me sitting up straighter and taking a deep, calming breath.C’mon Goldie, you can handle whatever news he has.

“Ms. Dupree, it’s Ben Sanderson. Looks like your ex has finally surfaced. I’ve got a location on him. He’s in Colville. Was working at an outfit there that seems to have been legit. But that’s not how I found him.”

The private eye I’d hired two years ago began coughing after his rapid-fire info dump. Waiting for him to speak again, my mind raced. Mumbling under my breath, I couldn’t believe how close he was to Pineville. Why hadn’t he reached out to see Lily Ann?

“Sorry about that. I really need to quit smoking. Had the corona virus last month and can’t shake this damn cough.” Another fit of coughing was so loud I had to pull my phone from my ear. That’s when I noticed Ford standing next to my desk, a questioning look on his handsome face.

Damn. Why’d he have to show up now? It was bad enough that every time we bumped into each other; it took me at least a half an hour to settle my racing heartbeat, but now when I was receiving possibly the most important phone call of my life, I wasn’t sure I could handle both.

The PI finally stopped coughing. “Okay, so he’s been visiting a clinic over in Spokane. I’m close to finding out what for, but I’ve been talking to a gal in the front office who doesn’t seem to understand the meaning of a HIPPA violation. Says he comes in twice a week. I’m thinking it’s for chemo.”

Stunned, I almost dropped the cell. Ford moved closer; his features narrowing in concern. My mouth had fallen open…could I be any less attractive right now? Pursing my lips, I locked onto his eyes, seeking a lifeline, but instead my thoughts turned to late nights and seeking hands and lips.

“Ms. Dupree, you still with me?”

“Uh, yes. Yes, I’m here. You’re sure it’s the right, Lance Hill? Born in sixty-seven?” I didn’t add “with a record a mile long.” Something I wished I’d known before I’d become pregnant, hell before I gave in to his non-stop pursuit of me all those years ago. The only good thing that came out of that relationship had been Lily Ann. I was happy to bear the brunt of all the negative impact his abandonment had created if it meant keeping her from his influence. I hadn’t been searching for him for years so my daughter could have a relationship with her father. No, I wanted to find him because he was going to pay his back child support even if it meant I had to spend my last dime making him accountable.

“He’s the one. I showed that gal the pictures you sent me. It’s him. The main reason I’m calling is so I can get the updated documents to serve him. You think you could get them to me by tomorrow morning? I’ve got a server licensed in this county all set to go.”

My gaze hadn’t left Ford’s. His quiet support easing my anxiety over finally finding Lily’s dad. If everything went according to plan, he’d finally be held accountable, but it also meant I’d have to see him again. And I’d have to tell my Lily Ann. I really wasn’t looking forward to that conversation, afraid she’d ask to see him. The fact that he may be ill didn’t change my determination to get him in front of the court.

“Yes, I’ll call my contact right now and get the updated papers sent as soon as possible. It might take more than a day, though, but I’ll keep you updated.”

The PI ended the call with an assurance he’d watch the clinic and note Lance’s comings and goings. Deep down, I knew the truth. If he was going there, he most certainly had a life-threatening condition. And if it was cancer, I wasn’t sure I could muster up any empathy for him. He wasn’t there when his daughter had gone through her battle with leukemia and nothing short of him getting on his knees begging for forgiveness plus paying back every cent of child support he owed would make me feel sorry for the bastard who’d run off when his daughter had needed him the most.

My hands shook as I set the phone on my desk.

“Goldie, you, okay? That didn’t sound like a client’s call.”

The question disguised as a statement sounded like he was more than curious, as if he cared about me more than a coworker, and there was something else—something more… primal in his tone. It set off all sorts of tingles along my skin.

Rubbing my arms, I did my best to sound calm. “No. Well, that had nothing to do with a client. It was personal. I’m sorry, Ford. But if you don’t mind, I’d like to keep it that way.” Dropping my arms, I stood then smoothed my blouse. “I’m going to get another cup of coffee. Excuse me.” Running wasn’t my typical style, but Ford had a way of triggering all sorts of needy feelings inside me. Once, when he complemented me on an assignment, a few weeks after I began, I almost giggled like a silly schoolgirl experiencing her first crush.

I was adding a healthy dose of creamer to my late afternoon coffee when I heard footsteps behind me. In any other situation, heck, on any other day, his attention would be flattering. Right now, all I wanted to do was settle my overwhelming emotions in private.

“Goldie, you’re white as a ghost sweetie, uh…I mean, are you okay? Did that call have something to do with your surgery last month?”

Sweetie? Wow, did I look that bad?There was no way his concern was anything but professional. He’d never shown me any personal interest before today, no matter how much I wished it were different. “No, I’m good. Never healthier, in fact. But, it’s the kind of news that’s double-edged, you know? Good news, bad news and all sorts of complications, but nothing that I can’t handle. Please don’t worry, I promise it won’t affect my job performance. I just need to make a couple calls, then it’s back to work.” I gave him what I hoped was a convincing smile, then finished doctoring my coffee.

“I’m almost done setting up the team in Boise, so I should get back to it. Thank you for checking up on me.”

“Okay. But if you need any help, someone to talk to, I’m here. In fact, let me give you my personal cell number. I didn’t mean to eavesdrop, but it was difficult not to overhear what the guy on the phone was saying. If you need any help with the courts, I know someone who might be able to expedite anything you need.”

He hadn’t stepped back when I began moving, and my shoulder brushed his arm. Sharp tingles of awareness shot through me, stealing my breath. I sensed more than saw his reaction and it made me curse how cruel fate was that I’d be wildly attracted to another man I worked with. Hustling back to my desk, I didn’t dare look back to gauge his reaction. It didn’t matter anyway because there was no way I would pursue anything with Ford, even though he was the total opposite of Lance in every possible way.

And wasn’t it just my dumb luck that I met him eleven years too late?
