Page 80 of Match Foiled

“From where?”

“It says her last stop was Caspa station, but you know how they are. Caspa doesn’t require visitors to report their itinerary, so there’s no way to know where she came from before that.”

Thalia grunted. From what they’d gathered about this Dr. Wells’s past record, she was always coming and going from Caspa. Unless she had a residence there, she could be using the station as a way to hide her true origin.

“How did she get here?”

“Private ship, like last time.”

Thalia leaned in to look at the hollow display closely.

“Do you know where she is now?”

“I can do a quick hotel search, but if she has private accommodations, there’s no way to find out.”

“Do it,” Thalia said.

Lily typed on the hollow display, too fast for Thalia to make out what she was doing.

“Are you sure you don’t want to tell Omale about this?” Lily asked, fingers dancing. “If she knew you had a decent lead, she might offer to help.”

Thalia sighed and thought about her recent conversation with the Chief. On a personal level, she might be moved to help Thalia, but as the Chief, she had other priorities. She had to put the wellbeing of her officers first, and Thalia wasn’t blind, she knew her obsession was dangerous. She couldn’t perform her best when she didn’t care about the work anymore. There was no worse flaw in a cop than apathy.

“Better not,” she answered. “I want to have something solid first. We have no proof against this doctor, other than she likes to travel to Caspa station.”

“I don’t see any hotel reservations in her name.”

Thalia crossed her arms over her chest, thinking. The last apartment Dr. Wells had lived in had been rented out to new tenants two months ago, so that was a dead end.

“I’ll go by her old office on the way home, see if the other doctors there have heard from her.”

“You want me to come along?” Lily asked, turning off the holo-display and standing up.

Thalia looked her up and down, frowning at her pajama outfit. “How would you help?”

“I could play good cop,” she answered with a grin. “Unassuming and relatable.”

“And what would that make me?” Thalia asked, grabbing her bag off the floor and throwing it over her shoulder, ready to head out.

“Angry cop. Uptight and unapproachable.”

Thalia wanted to deny it, but she could feel the tightness in her shoulders as she walked out the door, Lily following behind her.

“It’s been a bad couple of months.”

“I know,” Lily said. “But even before Kay was taken, you were never a bundle of joy. And it’s only gotten worse.”

“What do you want from me, Lily? I can’t just forget about Kay.”

Lily slowed her pace and placed her hand on Thalia’s arm to stop her.

“At least let me come with you,” she said. “You should have backup.”

Thalia shook her head. “It’s too dangerous. These people could be kidnappers.”

“We’ll keep each other safe.”

“Thanks, but I’d rather go alone,” she said, turning down a side street. She’d had enough of everyone’s advice for one day, and needed some time to herself. “I’ll see you tomorrow.”