Page 70 of Match Foiled

Altair threw a punch so fast, Nova’s only reaction was to gasp. The guard hadn’t anticipated the blow and was thrown off balance. But he had good reflexes, and he regained his stance and punched back. Altair anticipated with a block and a kick to the stomach.

Nova looked on, surprised by Altair’s fighting skills, and feeling useless, stuck behind Altair in the narrow hallway. She didn’t want to try squeezing by him, in case it distracted him and made him lose the fight.

A few more hits, and it was over. Altair pushed the guard to the ground and pulled out his laser pistol pointing it at the man.

“Who told you to keep me out?” he asked, his voice as cold as she’d ever heard it.

“Screw you,” the guard answered.

Altair kicked him in the stomach, and the guard yelled. An eerie shiver ran down her back watching Altair beat the man. Her mind went back to the night she saw Brent in his cell, and she wondered if Altair had been involved in Brent’s beating.

“Mak,” the guard growled. “He paid me to keep everyone out.”

Nova’s heart-rate picked up. She’d been right after all.

Altair told the guard to get up and locked him up in the nearest empty cell.

He walked in the opposite direction down the hallway than she’d gone when she’d snuck into the prison with Rex.

“This is the abandoned section,” he said.

The smell got worse the further they went.

“I don’t know exactly where the trial room is located though.”

They kept walking, trying to keep track of the number of turns they made.

Then they heard voices.

Altair stopped and pushed Nova into the wall to hide. She found herself pressed between his back and a dirty wall she wanted to avoid touching at all costs.

“In five minutes, they will all be in the room,” a man said.

“Good.” That voice belonged to Mak. “In four minutes, be prepared to light these up and run.”

“Gary isn’t coming,” said the first voice.

“Shit,” said Mak. “We’ll get him later.”

Altair turned around to face her.

“I’m going in,” he said. “You go back and warn everyone about the bomb. And no matter what happens, get out of the building before five minutes are up.”

“No way,” Nova whispered back. “I’m going in there with you.”

“It’s dangerous.”

“Even more reason for me to go with you and help.”


“Altair,” she said as authoritatively as she could while whispering. “When was the last time I did what you told me to do? I’m going in there.”

He grabbed her waist and pulled her against him. Nova was crushed against his chest as he hugged her, the smell of him a welcomed release from the basement stench. She heard his heartbeat against her ear, calling to her. It wasn’t the time, but she had to know. She needed to know what kind of man she was letting into her arms.And into her heart. No, she shook that thought out of her head.

“Did you beat up Brent?” she asked.

He pulled away from her to look at her face.