Page 62 of Match Foiled

Altair looked only at her. Had he purposefully left the knot holding her legs loose so he could follow her? Once again, she’d fallen for one of his traps.

Rex pushed Altair through a door. Nova followed.

It was a bedroom. Elizabeth went to the closet and got some rope. Did everyone just happen to have rope on them in case of rope-tying emergencies?

Rex brought Altair to sit next to the bed, tied his hands and feet together, and tethered his joined hands to the bedpost.

“That should do for now,” he said. “Though someone should stay here at all times to make sure he doesn’t escape.”

Elizabeth turned to Nova. “Let’s talk,” she said angling her head toward the door.

Nova followed her out into the living room while Rex stayed behind.

“What are we going to do?”

“You have to go talk to him,” she said. “Find out who he told.”

Nova swallowed. She had no idea what Altair was thinking. But Rex was getting an earful. They could hear Altair’s voice yelling through the wall, though she couldn’t make out what he said.

“Don’t tell him anything about the rebels. If he’s going to take us down, we have to keep as many people out of this as possible.”

“What will they do to us?” Nova asked, wanting to be prepared for the worse, or for escaping on her own if it came to that.

“You saw what they do to rebels.”

Rex came out of the room.

“He won’t talk. And he’s mad.”

“What did he say?” Nova asked.

“A lot of unflattering things about me and my family.”

She didn’t like the sound of that.

“He wants to see you.”

Apparently, that was a common theme. They all wanted her to talk to Altair.

* * *

She paused outside the door, her hand on the handle. She took a deep breath in and out, preparing herself for his fury.

She pressed down on the handle and pushed the door open. He sat with his head leaning back against the wall, and his eyes transfixed on her face.

“Hey,” she said tentatively.

“Hey.” His voice didn’t sound angry at all. His face was calm, studying her.

She took a wary step into the room.

“What are you going to do with me?” he asked when she remained silent.

“I’m going to ask you some questions.”

She didn’t say that if he cooperated things would be better for him because, in all honesty, she had no idea how to make things better for anybody now that he’d seen Elizabeth and Rex.

“Better you than that brute.”