Page 36 of Match Foiled

Mak nodded and opened the door still smiling.

The room had a negative atmosphere that was almost palpable.

“We need to figure out the real shipment route,” said a man sitting on the bed.

“We need to stop,” said Karen.

“We can’t stop,” Mak replied angrily. “This doesn’t change things. If anything it makes us more sure than ever that the Mudden government needs to be torn down.”

“They’ll kill us all,” Karen said.

“They’ll have to if they want to stop us. Thenourdeaths will inspire others to rise up and rebel.”

“We could try to rescue Brent,” said the blond woman who always sat next to Nova on the bed. A few people replied with enthusiastic cheers, while others looked uncertain.

“From prison?” someone said. “That’s like wrapping the nooses around our own necks.”

“We need to make them pay.” Mak slammed his fist down on top of the dresser.

“Brent would want us to be cautious,” the blond insisted.

“His leadership is what got us into this mess in the first place. Maybe his approach istoocautious. Maybe we need to do something so drastic that they’ll stop coming after us.”

“It was your recklessness, not his leadership that got Neil captured,” said one of the men who’d been with them the night Neil got taken.

“My recklessness?” Mak’s face turned a shade darker as he raised his voice. “If you’d jumped in behind me, we could have taken them down. We outnumbered them.”

“Outnumbered? We had the same amount of men and awoman.”

Nova had been on his side until he’d implied she didn’t count as a person. This type of conversation was the reason she always worked alone. It was impossible to move a group of people to do anything. It took a special kind of person to lead, and Brent had been that person for this group. She didn’t see anyone else here who could replace him in that role.

“And if we’d tried, we could have taken them on, but we gave up the moment we saw danger. We were cowards. We left Neil there. We have to accept the fact that if we want to see change, a revolution, we’re going to have to get our hands dirty.”

“The more we do to them, the more they come after us. Unless you want to bomb the palace when the entire Mudden clan family is inside, violence isn’t going to solve our problems.”

The look on Mak’s face suggested he’d enjoy bombing the palace very much, but he remained silent.

Nova stood up, conscious of the time, and made her way to the door.

“Meghan?” Mak asked.

“I have to go or Altair will get suspicious.”

Mak walked behind her. In the living room, he grabbed her hand.

“You’re with me, right?”

She wasn’t sure if he meant about being more reckless, or relationship wise, but either way the answer was the same.

She gently pulled on her hand. “I’m sorry, but no. I haven’t been here very long. I didn’t know when we started how far the Mudden government was willing to go to get rid of rebels. Any new plan to fight against them needs to be better prepared so we stand a chance of success and not made while raging for revenge. What you are talking about is a suicide mission, and I am not interested in that.”

The look on his face turned to disgust.

“Coward. Brent will die for this group, and no one is willing to fight. You’re all a bunch of cowards.”

“Maybe that’s true, but my death won’t help Brent. It won’t help anyone unless we have a solid plan that can succeed.”

“You’re not the person I thought you were.”