Page 78 of Match Foiled

“You’re contradicting me again,” he whispered warningly.

Nova laughed, kissed his neck up to his ear, and whispered, “Forever.”

* * *

I hope you loved Nova and Altair’s story as much as I do. It took me a while to figure out who they were, but once I did the dialog between these two just wrote itself. Read to the end for a preview of the next book,Match Forced.

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Are you wondering what was going on through Altair’s mind when he decided not to turn Nova in?HEREis a bonus scene told from his point of view. (Click the link or type “” into your internet browser.) You’ll also receive the free novella,Unmatched, as a thank you for your support.

Mudden Men Series:

Match Found(UK,CA,AU)

Match Forged(UK,CA,AU)

Match Foiled(UK,CA,AU)

Match Forced(UK,CA,AU)

Match Forced

Thalia’s desperate search for her missing sister Kay has completely taken over her life. If she doesn’t stop looking, her boss will fire her. But all Thalia can think about is Kay, locked up and crying out for her cop sister to find her. She can’t give up.

She finally finds a lead in the form of a Mudden man named Price. He knows something, maybe he was even involved in her sister’s kidnapping. Price offers her a deal. He will take Thalia to Mudden to find her sister in exchange for Thalia’s help stealing highly secret information from the most powerful corporation in the system. This mission could cost Thalia everything, but she can’t say no. Not when her sister’s life is at stake.

Price incessantly flirts and teases her in a mean attempt to embarrass her. She should hate him, but instead, she ends up kissing him. What would her sister think if she knew Thalia was making out with the enemy?

Pre-orderMatch Forcednow:

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Match Forced - Preview

Chapter One

“What the hell is wrong with you?”

Chief Omale stared her down with a look that would have left most officers shaking in their boots. Thalia held her ground. She’d reached a level of not caring that surprised even her sometimes. Still, she knew better than to talk back to her boss.

“You jeopardized the life of an undercover cop and set the case against underground traffickers back ten months!”

Yeah, she’d done that. And part of her knew she deserved any punishment that came her way. But another part of her screamed inside her head that she’d had no other choice. No punishment could deter her from finding her sister, whether she had the help of the police and her colleagues or not.

Three months had passed since Kay’s disappearance, and she was no closer to finding her today than she’d been on the day she’d gone to Kay’s apartment after not hearing from her for three days. There had been no struggle in her home, no evidence whatsoever of her fate.

Some of Thalia’s colleagues believed Kay had run away, but she was supposed to start a new job that week. Her first job since graduating from law school. She’d been excited to finally start her career, not ready to flee without telling anyone.

Thalia had interrogated everyone she could think of. It’d gotten her nowhere. Kay hadn’t shown up for her first day of work.

“You’re banned from active duty for two weeks.” The Chief shook her head like it pained her to say those words.

Three months ago, Thalia had been Omale’s best officer. Thalia admired her and considered her a friend and mentor—back when she still cared about these things.