Page 65 of Match Foiled

She felt a pang of disappointment that she hadn’t managed to turn him to her side. She stood up straighter.

“As you sit here a prisoner with no power to decide your own fate, maybe you can think about the thousands of women who’ve been brought here under the same circumstances, and ask yourself if it’s right to take their freedom away just to keep your family in power.”

She turned around and marched out, slamming the door behind her.

Chapter Thirteen

Elizabeth and Rex both looked her way as she came back into the living room.

“I have good news and bad news,” she said.

“What?” Elizabeth asked. She could barely stand still, her foot tapping on the floor in frustration.

“The good news is, he didn’t tell anyone about me.”

“Really?” Rex looked skeptical.

“He’s in love with me and doesn’t want anyone to take me away.”

She expected them to roll their eyes or snort, but they accepted her answer like it made perfect sense to them.

“And the bad news?”

“I told him we were rebels.”

“Why would you do that? I told you specifically not to.”

“He thought we were working for Devon!”

Rex folded his arms across his chest, and Nova stepped away from him instinctively, wondering if there was any truth to Altair’s story about him being a murderer.

“I wanted to give him a chance to do the right thing,” she admitted. “Besides, it doesn’t change anything. If he hasn’t told anyone, you’re not in any danger.”

“Yet,” Rex said. “But at some point, we’ll have to decide what to do with him.”

“You can’t kill him,” Nova said, just in case that was where his mind had gone.

He raised an eyebrow as if to say that he could do whatever he wanted, and she couldn’t stop him. Nova looked back at him with fear.

Elizabeth slapped Rex on the arm.

“Or maybe we can,” Elizabeth said. “The both of you. You’re the one who wanted to fake your death. If Mudden thinks you’re both dead, and we bring Altair to another planet, he wouldn’t be able to do any damage.”

“You want to bring him with us on the ship?” Nova asked with a sliver of hope that things might turn out alright.

“That’s the only solution I can come up with.”

“The ship’s not available for another week. And besides, how do we get him to it?” Rex asked.

“Drug him?” Elizabeth said, shrugging her shoulders. “For tonight, if he’s not lying about not having told anyone, we’re safe.”

“We’ll take shifts watching him,” Rex said. “Nova, you go first. We’ll switch in three hours.”

“You want me to go into the bedroom with him?”

“Yes, and watch him.”

She nodded and walked to the door.