Page 56 of Match Foiled

“What’s the work?”

“To get him some famous painting. It doesn’t matter,” Elizabeth said. “What matters is once we’re in space, we’ll be able to investigate the flintoid situation.”

“What is there to investigate? We know that if they’re mining flintoid, they are selling it to Fartech.”

“I want to know everything. Their shipping routes, quantities, prices, and who the Mudden contact is at Fartech. We need to have all the information before we can move forward.”

“Move forward with what?”

“Getting rid of the kidnappings while causing the least amount of damage to the Mudden people who are innocent of all this.”

Nova nodded. Would Elizabeth consider Altair an innocent? She doubted it.

“But youareplanning to drop me off somewhere with a new identity before you go investigating, right?”

Elizabeth bit down on her lower lip, hesitating.

“If that’s what you want.”

“That was our deal!” Nova said, getting agitated.

“I know. But we can always change our deal. If you’re interested.”

“I’m not.”

“We could use you on this mission. You have experience infiltrating rich people’s lives. You would be useful against Fartech.”

“I don’t want to live that life anymore. That was why I agreed to this mission.”

“Think about it.”

“No. I won’t. I don’t want to do this anymore. You promised me a new identity so I could live a boring life in a boring town on a boring planet. That’s what I want.”

“Alright,” Elizabeth said, surprised by her outburst. “In that case, be ready to leave in two weeks.”

“Any chance you could shorten that? Things have gotten really bad around here.”

“What happened?”

“The Mudden military is still investigating the rebels. They’ve made several more arrests, some of them actual rebels. I just know they’re going to come for me soon. If they hear just a hint of my name from a rebel’s mouth, they’ll come tearing down our front door, licking their chomps. They’re always looking for an opportunity to embarrass Altair.”

“The date is set,” she said. “But I’ll look into the arrests. I was hoping Gary would have left after Brent’s execution.”

“He did. He went to Glaerus. But he left some of his men behind, and they’re apparently as ambitious as him.”

“Glearus?” Elizabeth asked, a worried expression on her face. “Shit. I’ll see what I can do.”

Nova had no idea what Elizabeth thought she could do.

“There’s one more thing,” Nova said. “I got word that some rebels are planning something big.”

“Without Brent?”

“Apparently, his death unleashed their murderous tendencies. They are talking about blowing up the Mudden military, Altair, and the Baeddan council.”

“That’s quite a task. When?”

“I don’t know.”