Page 4 of Match Foiled

“I cannot tell you exactly, no. I expect it will happen naturally and fairly quickly. The average time, according to research I did a few years ago, was approximately two months.”

“Are you saying that you think in two months I will willingly sleep with you? After you had me kidnapped and are now keeping me prisoner?”

“No. In approximately two months you will have sexual intercourse with me. You will sleep with me tonight.”

Funny how he could completely ignore the whole kidnapping part of her statement.

She crossed her arms in front of her chest too.

“I’ll sleep on the couch.”

“Sleeping in the same bed will make us bond faster.”

“I don’t want tobondwith you.”

She should probably be nicer to him considering the job she had to do, but she couldn’t help it. His condescending I-know-better-than-you attitude got on her nerves.

He clenched then released his fists.

“My research showed sleeping in the same bed reduced the waiting period by two weeks.”

She sat down on the couch, sticking to her position. “Then get ready to wait.”

The look on his face was utter disbelief, mixed with a little bit of I’m-talking-with-crazy. Finally, he turned around, walked into one of the rooms, and came back a moment later carrying sheets and a pillow. He dumped the entire pile next to her. “The bathroom is over there.” He pointed to one of the closed doors. “Goodnight.”

Altair turned around and disappeared behind a door.

“Goodnight,” she called after him, slouching with relief against the couch.

* * *

Nova had planned to wake up in the middle of the night to do some snooping, but it was the daylight on her face and the sound of someone moving around that woke her up. She’d rarely slept that deeply in her life. It was the space travel, it really messed with her sense of time. Who knew how long of a day she’d had yesterday. Elizabeth had taken her comm when they’d gone onto the ship. She’d said Mudden didn’t allow any of that communication technology on the planet, which meant she also had no method of telling time.

She heard a door open and close and footsteps approaching, then nothing but Altair’s breathing. A shiver went down her back. Was he watching her sleep? She stretched and pretended to wake up. She sat up, and sure enough, he stood looking at her with his arms crossed over his chest.

“Good, you’re up. Do you always sleep in all morning?” There was irritation and condescension in his voice.

“Only when I dread waking up,” she snarled.

“Today is your first day so you have the day off.”

Off from what?

“I have to go to work so you have the house to yourself.”

Nova tried not to look too surprised nor too excited. This was going to be easier than she’d anticipated. She’d imagined having to sneak around, instead she was going to have the place to herself to look around.

He waited expectantly, though she had no idea for what.

“Thank you?” she said tentatively.

He smiled, obviously pleased with himself. “I know that women like to take care of their own houses. I want you to feel at home. You may decorate any way that you want.”

Decorate? Seriously? That’s what he thought a woman who’d just been kidnapped wanted to do?

But she really did want him to leave her alone so she sealed her lips into a tight smile and said, “Willthatreduce the waiting time as well?”
