Page 33 of Requital

As the daughter of a mafia drug lord, she was a ruthless woman who was fearless enough to take what she wanted without any thought of the consequences. Since marrying into the Valentine family, a lawful one, she has changed tremendously. She may still be fearless, but now, her actions assist the greater good.

I would love Hadley to visit my office upon my and Hawke’s return to Virginia, particularly after the revelations surrounding hers and Antonio’s shared lineage. She handled herself in a manner many women would never consider, and she faltered not once. I can only imagine the life she has led and the things she’s endured, also at the hands of her father.

I may be in awe of the woman she has become, but I can also see the anger and hurt buried inside of her. If she’d allow me to, I’d like to help her confront her demons so she can finally let them go …just as I have.

I wish I could tell you that my return to my momma’s home is as joyous as I’d been dreaming of all these years, but sadly, it is nothing like I’d been envisioning. I certainly wasn’t anticipating spending every precious moment I can with my momma before she succumbs to the sickness ravaging her body, yet here I am. I also didn’t anticipate finding that my sister is a strong-willed, smart, beautiful girl capable of so much more than I ever was at the age of seventeen.

The night we arrived, I knew I had to share the secret I’ve been hiding from Hawke with momma simply because I didn’t realize how sick she was. She was delighted, of course, but also disappointed I hadn’t already shared my news with the man who has become my everything.

“Oh, my Luciana,” her raspy voice breathes. “Mr. Hawke is a good man and one I know will protect my beautiful daughter now that I cannot. You must tell him.”

I promised my momma I would, and I will, but something else prevents me whenever I try. We have left momma with Camila tonight and are on our way to the beautiful waterfall behind Antonio’s compound. Some of my favorite memories of time spent with my momma and pappa before his death were made there, so it seems fitting that this be where I finally tell Hawke he is about to become a father.

“Oh, Hawke, it’s still as beautiful as I remember,” I gasp upon our approach.

“It is beautiful,” he admits, coming up behind me. “But nowhere near as beautiful as you are right now.”

His words sound so corny, yet I can’t tease him even if I want because they have my knees weakening. The night itself is cool, yet the heat radiating off Hawke’s body as it embraces mine completely warms me.

“I could stand here forever with you,” my tiny voice whispers.

“As long as I’m with you, honey, I don’t care where we go.”

“Hawke,” I begin, breaking from his embrace so I can turn to face him. “I need to tell you something.”

Placing his arms around me, he encourages me to continue.

“It’s funny,” I start. “I know just the right words for my clients, yet I can’t form any with you.”

“What’s wrong, Em?” he asks, concern lining his tone.

“I’m pregnant.”



“You’re what?”

“I’m pregnant,” Emily whispers, hesitantly taking a step backward.

The initial shock of what she has just said suddenly turns to delight, and I instantly pull my woman tightly into me.

“You’re suffocating me, Hawke,” she breathlessly gasps.

Allowing her to move away, I place my hands on either side of her face and pull her toward me. Placing my forehead on hers, I all but cry, “There are no words, sweetheart, to describe just how happy those two little words have made me.”

When she starts to cry, I shamelessly allow my tears to escape down my cheeks.

“So, you are happy?” she questions.

Removing my grip from her face, I instead grab her hand. “Of course, I am, Em, but are you?” I cautiously ask in reply.

Tears stream down her face as she nods.

“We are going to be parents, Hawke,” she cries joyfully, throwing her arms around my neck. “Nothing could make me happier.”

Releasing me to lead me toward the water’s edge, Em places her blanket down on the grass, and I can do nothing more than watch. Turning, she gestures for me to join her, so I move slowly toward her and sit beside the woman I love. I sit silent and watch as she retrieves the food she brought from her cane basket.