Page 83 of Pride

They both smile back like the cat that caught the mouse, then she turns her attention back to Lilly.

“So,” I ask. “How long have you and Lil been friends for?”

“Me and Lil? Forever. Ever since she rescued me from the girl’s toilets in year six.”

“Now that sounds like a story.” I sip on my drink, getting comfortable.

“There were these bitches who used to constantly give me shit,” she starts.

“Or maybe just looked at you funny…” Lilly interrupts, smirking.

Ria laughs but doesn’t correct her. “Whatever potato, patato. Anyway, it was my last shot before getting kicked out. Then this crazy chick comes in and sees me kicking the trash. She asks what’s wrong, I tell her. And for some unknown reason she decides to convince the principal she was the one that attacked the girls. Even though they were there in the office, swearing black and blue, looking black and blue as well, saying it was me. But Lilly was like, who do you think is more likely to do something like that? Someone with my father, or someone like her? The mention of her dad shut them all up. And there you have it, best friends ever since. She’s my ride or die.” Her eyes then land on me and pin me down with a warning. “And I mean it, I would kill for her.”

I nod, receiving her message clear enough. Although normally threatening me, is not a great idea.

“Really?” Dante says sipping his drink and I doubt he is capable of letting it go. “How long have you two not seen each other?”

It’s not directed at Lilly, and I’m not going to cut his balls off completely. So, I sit and watch it play out.

Ria’s eyes narrow, lips pursed. “Ahh…you must be Dante.” She nods, turning to Lilly. “I see what you mean.”

Lilly bites her lip. Dante keeps his eyes trained on Ria, with a smirk playing on his lips. He deserves a lot more than Lilly bad-mouthing him, so he should just take it. And he does, he drops it. But I see the way he’s looking at Ria, I doubt it will be settled for long.

“Anyway…” Lilly breaks the awkwardness. “It worked for me, too. Dad was so pissed off, which was great and I got a week off school. Win, win.”

Just like that, the girls laugh and I’m back to smiling. I could only imagine what these two got up to when they were younger. Like a girl version of Dante and me.

After a few more belly laughing stories from the girls, the table dwindles. Dante receives a call and Tommy goes back to his waiting models. Lilly is pulled away by Winston to say their goodbyes to the event planner.

Since Ria and I have some time alone, I take the opportunity to say what I should to her father, but since he’s a derelict and doesn’t deserve it, I turn to Ria instead.

“I’m sure you have your thoughts about me, but I want you to know, I’m going to protect Lilly and treat her well.” I watch as her eyes narrow, she doesn’t seem to trust me, but I need her to know I’m not going to hurt Lilly.

“I’ve had the same thoughts about you even before you kidnapped my best friend.” She’s direct and doesn’t mess around. “It’s hard not to listen to the rumours.”

I nod, not offended by her statement. The reputation I have is by design.

“Then you know I’m capable of my word. I may have brought her back here, but I also want to give her back her life. And you’re a big part of it, from what she has said.” If I could get Ria on my side, it would help, a lot.

“I’m listening?” She sips her drink and leans back in the booth. “What’s your grand plan? Cause, you’re going to need one.”

“I was thinking maybe you could help with that, give me some advice. I’ve been trying pretty hard.”

She turns to Lilly, who is talking to an engrossed audience. They stand captivated listening to her, she has a natural charisma that is rare.

“I miss seeing her like this, happy and carefree.” Ria’s eyes are filled with sadness, and her face is full of love. “It won’t last though.”

Not if I have anything to say about it. My jaw hardens at the thought of that being snatched from her.

Ria shakes her head out from a daze, turning to me. “You should give her what she wants now, so when she thinks of you, it’s a happy memory.”

I don’t know how I lost her, but she’s flipped sides. Obviously the two have spoken and she’s resigned that Lilly is leaving.

“I respectfully disagree,” I say and watch her eyebrows raise in surprise. “I want to make memories with her, not become one. Why can’t she have it all?”

If anyone deserves it, it’s her.

“Because Sergei is still breathing. While that’s the case, she will never change. Nothing you say can change her mind.”