Page 54 of Pride

I chew my food but can’t help frowning, processing what he just said. Did he just call Ren a schmuk?

“Dante,” Ren’s voice is low, but the warning it’s laced with is clear.

Yep, he picked up on that one too. Dumbass. The table is quiet and awkward as we all sit there, looking down at our plates, moving food around with our forks.

“I can help you cook if you want?” Of course, Amari tries to brighten the mood.

I turn and smile at her. “I’d love that. Thank you.”

“What your mother didn’t give you cooking lessons?” Dante says, and finally makes me flinch.

But it’s Ren’s fist on the table that rocks the restaurant. He slams it down hard with a bang causing drinks to spill and silverware to crash to the floor. Amari holds onto the glass bottles to stop them from following suit.


I get that funny feeling again.

So, it’s definitely time to use this situation to my advantage. First, I want him and Ren to know, I can handle my own shit.

I turn to Dante, keeping my face even, my expression blank. “You’re right. She didn’t. Because she’s dead. And I’m not sure why you think your opinion of me holds any value. Because it doesn’t. You aren’t going to get to me, I’ve heard it all before and frankly, I’m better at this than you.” With that, I stand and throw on a smile. “I’m going to the ladies’ room.”


But no one will say anything. They probably all think I’m running off to cry. Besides, Ren still hasn’t ripped his dangerous eyes away from Dante, so no one tries to stop me. When I get a few feet away, I realise I forgot my purse. And that purse has money in there I need. I double back, ruining my suave exit and pluck my bag from the chair, then turn and don’t look back.

Time to get the hell out of here.



Mybodyisshaking,my fury right on the edge. But I hold it back until I see her close the door. Then…I erupt. I flip the table with a violent crack to get to him, sending it crashing to the floor. The restaurant falls silent as everyone turns to look. Tommy and Dave slide their chairs back from the table, while Amari gasps in shock, jumping up from her seat.


Dante doesn’t move.

And he’s lucky. Because, if he tried, I wouldn’t care what fucking eyes are on me at this moment, it wouldn’t be pretty.

With powerful strides, I make it to him, towering over him in pure rage. He’s seen me like this, he knows.

“I fucking asked you.” My chest is heaving, and my jaw is clenched so tight I can feel my teeth rattle as I grind them together.

Dante doesn’t even blink, he simply stares up at me, not a single muscle moving.

“Now I’m telling you.” My voice is lethal, controlled and crystal fucking clear. “Youwillshow her the respect that she deserves. The respect that you would showmywife. I’ve known you my whole life. Youaremy brother. But so help me God, you ever say anything like that to her again, that so much as makes her eye twitch. I will fucking end you. Do I make myself clear?”

The tension thickens, with every second I wait for an answer. It feels like forever but after a few seconds, he nods.

“You got it, Boss.”

“Good. Now get this shit cleaned up.” I need to get out of here, the need to rip his head off is almost uncontrollable.

No one dares look at me or lift their head as I storm out of the restaurant.

My whole life, Dante, has been a brother to me. Never did I think of life without him. But if it comes to it, I will be the one to end him.

I’m promising her the world, and my own family treats her so callously. And she rolls with it. Fucking rolls with it. Because it’s all she knows.