Page 15 of Pride

Sergei’s head snaps to Ren. He doesn’t seem to like that one.

“Your daughter seals the deal.” Ren finishes and Sergei liked that one even worse.

I swear it looked like he grew horns.

“Done,” my father says.


My head swings back to my dad. That can’t be right? Maybe I’ve passed out, fainted or something.

“You are breaking your word old man.” The rage emanating from Sergei is deadly. “I’d strongly recommend against it. Our deal has been set and paid.”

“I’ll return what was given, calm down. You only have yourself to blame. She ran from you in the first place. You got us in this mess.” He looks at Sergei’s face that screams, you are dead, so he tries another tactic. “I have to do what’s best for my daughter.”

That makes me snort. So not the right moment, but it came out. Lucky only Ren and the guy with tatts heard it. But really, there hasn’t been a day since I was born that my father has put my needs first.

And in true Marcus style, he shows just how true that statement is.

“Let’s let her decide.” My father turns to me, throwing me under the goddamn bus. “Lilliana, who do you want to marry? Sergei, or Vitali?”

All eyes fly to me.

I want to say, neither. Fuck you all. I’m out. But I must think logically here. Easier said than done as Sergei says something that truly raises the hairs on the back of my neck.

“Pick wisely, because it will not be great when you’re finally back home.”

The promise in those words is not hard to miss. Whatever Ren thinks he’s doing for me is only causing more troubles and pain in the long run. Sergei won’t care about this deal. He is all about pride and property. But, either way, I’m marrying no one and I have a better chance of orchestrating my escape when I’m not black, blue and broken. Whether I end up regretting this or not, it’s a no brainer.

I swallow the huge lump in my throat and only manage to say one word, “Ren.”

“Done.” My father claps.

“Don’t get comfortable.” Darkness takes over Sergei and he’s sadistic eyes burn into me. He turns to Milosh, his square jaw tighter than a vise. “Get the money.”

With that, he walks away.

He. Walks. Away.

Sergei Nikolov has walked away.

I’d do a happy dance if I wasn’t petrified of those last words. Dread fills me, but I add it as fuel to get the fuck out of here as soon as possible.

I’m in my own world and state of panic and miss my dad welcoming Ren to the family. It’s nothing to write home about if you ask me, but my father seems pleased. Not enough to say goodbye to me or offer me any words of encouragement, of course. He simply bounces out all jovial, leaving me alone with another group of men he has just shipped me off to.

When the cars drive off and leave me in the dust, Ren’s men really let it be known how they feel. They don’t mince words.

You made a deal with scum?

For her?

She’s not our problem.

She’s not worth this shit.

That last one kind of hurt, but the blond guy doesn’t seem fazed I’m here. Ren lets it go on for a couple of minutes. It’s okay, who needs ego and self-confidence, anyway. Just another round of people telling me how worthless I am. I’m not even embarrassed at this point.

“Are you all done?” Ren’s words are calm and measured.