Page 98 of Pride

She doesn’t answer, still frozen and staring blankly. That’s when I look at the direction she was looking and see red.

Sergei Nikolov arrogantly strolls across the dancefloor toward our table. His eyes are locked on Lilly with a smile from ear to ear. I kick the chair out from under me and stand, ready to wipe it off his face. My men quickly follow suit, ready to pounce, but before I get a chance to rip his fucking head off, my father steps in front of us and shakes the piece of shit’s hand.

“Nikolov, good to see you my friend,” my father says, and I would hate to think he had anything to do with this.

“Yes.” Sergei briefly takes his eyes off Lilly to acknowledge him, but is quick to return his gaze. “I’ve been looking forward to tonight.”

Lilly still hasn’t moved, but has raised her eyes from the table. I place my hand on her shoulder, attempting to comfort her and see Nikolov’s eyes darken as they fixate on my hand. Lilly must have seen it too, as her body stiffens even more.

“It turned out to be quite the event.” My father boasts proudly.

“It has indeed.” He tears his eyes away and turns to my father with a smug smile on his face. “I’m glad you listened to my advice.”

“His advice?” I ask, my jaw clenched and my fists ready to attack.

How the fuck did this happen?

“Yes.” My father turns to me but is smart enough to still stand between us. “Sergei came to me to express his concern about future business. He thought maybe things would be different, with you taking over and your impending marriage to Lillianna. I understand there were already talks about their families merging.”

There’s so much wrong with that fucking statement I don’t know where to start. But the most important thing that’s rippling through me is my failed promise to Lilly. I promised I’d take care of her. I promised her I’ll handle it and she was safe.

And he is fucking here.

He bypassed me, the boss of the family, and went to my fucking father. The slimeball thinks he’s clever, pulling a stunt like this, but he just added an extra nail to his coffin. And my father knows well enough to know any conversation regarding business now comes to me. The head of the Vitali family.

“Yes,” Sergei says with an aggravating grin. “And what better way to show there is no bad blood than to throw a party and invite all the families. Ease everyone’s worries.”

That piece of shit is trying to save face. I know what he’s doing, playing the bigger person, trying to paint me as the hot-headed Italian that can’t be in control. He’s right about that because I’m slipping.

“Lilliana.” He turns to her. “May I say you look simply ravishing tonight.”

“No, you may not.” I take a step and block his view of her, wanting to stab his eye right out of it's socket so he can never lay eyes on her again.

Whether it was me talking for her, or cutting off his view, the smile on his face disappears. We stand staring at each other, and I see the intent and unsaid promises in his eyes. Veins pulse in my neck, and I clench my fist by my side. My father sees I am about to explode and tries to talk to me in Italian.

“Everyone is watching, Son. Control yourself and step down.”

And I thought wanting to hurt my best friend was the most unnerving feeling, but in that moment it’s my dad who I want to lay hands on.

“Excuse me.” Lilly’s barely audible voice breaks the stare down and she stands, briskly walking away without glancing back.

Without hesitation, I go to follow, but my father takes a firm grip on my arm. There’s no way to shake him off without causing a scene and completely disrespecting him. So, I stop and keep my eye on Lilly as she weaves through the sea of guests that keep stopping to congratulate her. I look to Nico at the table over from ours, and nod for him to follow her. Sergei laughs, and I want to rip his throat out.

My father is still talking quietly in my ear, insisting I show restraint in front of the families. I look up and see all eyes are on me.

Restraint? I’m a fucking saint right now with my control.

“Why are you so upset, Vitali? You got what you wanted. You should be the blushing groom.” Sergei says, then breaks out into a smile. “Oh, I see, of course. Lilly can be a handful to manage.”

That’s it.

I step to him, but my father pushes me back and turns to Sergei. “Make no mistake Nikolov, we are here to bring peace, but I will not have you disrespecting our family.”

“Of course.” He takes a step back with his sick smirk. “I’ll leave you to it, shall I? I need a refill. Salute as you say.”

He turns and walks the same direction Lilly went, so I keep my eyes on him, even as my father tries to convince me of his tactic for this evening. Bullshit about keeping our enemies close, keeping peace, not showing anyone your weakness.

That hits hard and I turn to him, eyes narrowed. “I appreciate the thought and I want you to know, I love and respect you but I am the boss of this family. You are no longer in charge. You had no authority to pull this tonight, and this will never happen again.”