Page 97 of Pride

I lean forward and give her a quick peck on her cheek, squeezing her hand, then I open the door. A roar of surprises fills the room, and streamers and confetti fly into the air. We both freeze in our step, and I look at Lilly, who stands open mouthed.

The room is filled with hundreds of people. The ones closest to us are my family, Amari, the boys…my auntie. Fuck, everyone. I pull Lilly closer but throw on a smile, taking their congratulations and shaking hands. Then my dad’s voice comes over the PA system welcoming Lilly and I to our surprise engagement party and asking everyone to take their seats to start eating.

As Lilly and I begin to move down the aisle, I turn to her and see a beautiful smile on her face, but it’s in stark contrast to the crushing of my fingers by her hand. We make our way to the front table, sitting with my men and immediate family, and pull out her chair. As soon as I take my seat, I find her hand under the table and pull it onto my lap, leaning into her.

“How you doing? You okay?” I whisper in her ear.

She turns with the sweetest smile on her face, takes back her hands and leans in to straighten my tie.

“What the actual fuck?” she says without moving her mouth. “My dad is right over there.”

She nods her head ever so slightly, and I look in the direction. And there he is, drinking and laughing while being greeted and congratulated. Lilly glares at him, her anger growing by the second.

She leans closer to me without taking her eyes off him and pours herself a very large glass of wine. “So, where are we with the plan to break his kneecaps?”

I laugh, squeezing her knee under the table. “You wanna lure him out to the parking lot and I’ll jump out from the bushes?”

She turns, her eyes glistening, and I know tonight is going to be alright. “If you’re serious then, yes!”

I meet her lips with mine, kissing her and forgetting about the rest of the room.

When I pull away, Amari leans across the table. “Ah, you’re meant to wait for the clinking of glasses.”

But I see my father walking to our table, no doubt he is responsible for the over-the-top party. His chest puffs out with pride, and his face already flush from the glass of wine he’s holding.

“Hold that thought,” I say to Amari, and stand.

When he arrives, I greet him with a kiss and a hug. He slaps me on the back but doesn’t take his adoring eyes off Lilly who’s also standing behind me. Ignoring me, my father turns his attention to Lilly. He extends his hand, and when she takes it, he kisses her knuckles, showing her respect.

“Ahh, the beautiful Lilliana,” he says gushing at her. “What a pleasure to finally meet you.” Sauvé as ever, my father lays it on thick.

And not to be upstaged, Lilly’s incredible smile returns and lays it on even thicker. “You too. Ren and Amari have told me so much about you already. But they didn’t mention how handsome you were.”

I roll my eyes but can’t fight off the smile as Dad blushes and beams at the compliment. Amari makes vomiting noises, and the table breaks out into laughter.

My father steals my seat and turns it toward Lilly. “Sit.”

She takes a seat, and my father pulls his chair closer to hers.

“I honestly never thought this day would come,” he says, and I groan, looking down at Amari who’s heard it just as much as me.

She giggles behind her wine glass, but there’s no stopping whatever he has to say. So, I just lean my hand on the back of Lilly’s chair ready to hear it.

“I was worried. Ren is more stubborn than I ever was,” he says, and I scoff, but he just shoo’s me off, ignoring me. “I didn’t think anyone could ever get through to him, but now, I see that he will make this family proud, just like I am of him tonight.”

He lifts his glass and toasts to Lilly and me, his eyes watering with unshed tears. “I wish your mother was here to see this. She would be so happy you’ve found someone.”

Lilly lays her hand over his. “I’m sure she is here, watching us from above.”

The emotion punches me in the gut, and I look through my blurred eyes to see Amari’s tears trailing down her face. But there’s a smile on her face, just like on mine, so I look back at Lilly and my father. I can feel the warmth and love surrounding us and I have no doubt that it’s true. Mama did bring me Lilly, there’s no way she will miss this.

Even though this wasn’t the plan, and thank fuck, we sorted out our issues earlier, because tonight we can celebrate like a normal couple.

A normal couple? There is no way that word will ever describe us. Even though I’d prefer a smaller, more intimate celebration where I know all the guests, Lilly’s happiness relaxes me, and as Amari leaves to check on the food, I sit next to her as my father continues talking.

There is a distinct setup in the crowd. Not just our family and Lilly’s, but other families involved in this world. One’s that I should be aware were invited. My jaw hardens, and frustration builds at being surrounded by so many foes and being left in the dark. I force it down and look at Lilly who has quickly become my safe place. But her face has paled, her body has gone rigid, and her breathing has turned shallow. Her eyes that were focused in front of her drop to the table, as her hands fall to her lap.

“You okay?” I squeeze her knee under the table.