Page 78 of Pride

“Oh my god, I forgot how childish you are.” I take a sushi roll from the platter and ditch it at her.

She ducks and it flies over her head, splattering on the floor

“Very mature.” She turns back from watching the wreckage explode and looks at me with a very serious expression. “At least tell me this… has he got a big cock?”

She bursts out laughing, and I roll my eyes.

“Yes. But not because I’ve fucked him. Just was an accidental encounter.”

Now she’s holding her stomach, beside herself laughing. Eventually, she calms down and she wipes the tears from her eyes.

“Oh jeez. What I wouldn’t give to have an accidental encounter with Ren Vitali.”

At that, I let out a long sexually frustrated sigh. Me too.

Ria jumps up from the lounge she was sitting on and plops down next to me, throwing an arm over my shoulder.

“I can’t blame Vitali for not wanting to let you go. After all, you’re my best friend.”

I lean my head on her shoulder, so happy to have her back, even if it is for one night. “I’ve missed you so much.”

We sit quietly together for a while, as I let all my memories of Ria wash over me and all the ones we won’t get to make together.

“What do you want?” she asks, quietly. “Really want? If you could have anything.’

“Sergei to be dead,” I answer without thinking.

He’s the only thing stopping me from being with her, with Ren. To have my life back.

“That’s it then. Why can’t we just off Sergei ourselves? Surely, we would be doing the world a favour.”

“Trust me, I’ve thought about it so many times. In fine detail, played it out over and over in my mind. But it’s a suicide mission, he’s never alone. We’d never make it out alive. I’m not ready to give up my life just yet.”

“And you don’t think Ren can protect you? I’ve heard about these guys Lil, they’re no joke.”

Leaning forward I forgo the champagne flute, and go straight for the bottle, taking a much needed long drink.

“He says he can. But Sergei will destroy both our lives the longer I stay.”

“What do you need me to do?”

I hand her the bottle of vodka. “Nothing. I don’t want you on Sergei’s radar. I don’t even know if I can see you again after tonight.”

She takes the bottle from my hand and lifts it in the air for a cheers. “Well then I guess we better make it epic.”

We clink the bottles, and both take a long swig. Ria stands, walking over to the dresses on the hanger, unzipping a black garment bag and taking out a black, gorgeous cut out bodycon dress.

“Vitali is gonna swallow his tongue when he sees you in this.” She walks over to me, and I take it from her.

“You know. He’s got some ridiculously hot friends.” I wink at her. “Just stay away from Dante, he’s a dick. He hates me and is not shy to tell me. But the others, they are nice. Tommy is smoking hot but kind of a slut, so perfect for you. And Dave, oh my god, he’s got huge, huge muscles with tatts. He’s got a kid, single, and his little girl is gorgeous, she’s ten and a lot of fun.”

“Oh, good looking out.” Her eyes light up at the prospects. “I’m not ready for an instant family, but maybe they both just want some fun?”

“Both are down for some fun. And me too.” I stand tall and make a resolute decision. “Tonight, there is no Sergei. It’s me and you and we are going to turn it up.”

Laughing at my determination, Ria smiles at me. “Let’s go out with a bang.”