Page 7 of Pride

Miraculously, he does.

“You fucken’ got issues woman.” He rubs his ass where I’ve just sunk my teeth into.

“Oh, I’m sorry being kidnapped brings out the bitch in me.” I nod to where my last assault landed. “How’s your small pecker going?”

He raises a brow, moving his hands to his zipper. “Sore. You wanna kiss it better?”

“I haven’t lost all my brain cells yet.”

His lips turn into a smirk and pulls out the white evil cloth. “Last chance to do this quietly.”

My shoulders slump, knowing that’s a chance I can’t take again. Every damn time I wake from it, I’m one step closer to being taken back to Sergei. I need to bide my time, there could be another chance of escape, but I must be conscious at least to have a shot.

“Fine,” I say, giving in.

He doesn’t move, just stares at me with untrusting eyes. Can’t blame him really, I just need one slip up and I’m gone like the wind. I hope anyway.

“I promise.” I try again, this time I add an innocent smile.

His eyebrows rise, taking me in from head to toe, then his frown deepens. “I don’t give second chances remember?”

I can’t help the sigh that escapes, or the roll of my eyes. “Yes, I remember.”

He seems satisfied and tucks the cloth back into his pocket. Then he grabs my arm and leads me out of the luxurious private jet, with cream leather seats, gold trimmings and a giant theatre screen. Seriously, why he’s so bent out of shape over a million dollars when he has this mammoth of a plane on standby is beyond me.

As we descend the stairs, it plays out like an opening scene of a music video, three unbelievably hot men turn simultaneously around.

One I remember, the big one with tats all over his arm, a shaved head, and a grip like the hulk. He’s the one that foiled my escape in the hotel and in all the commotion I didn’t realise how ruggedly handsome he was.

Another, with dirty blonde hair, and a fair amount of stubble that doesn’t hide a dimple that’s all kinds of cute. Again, if this weren’t my worst nightmare coming to life, I’d count myself lucky to have the attention of all these good-looking men. He appears to find something funny, as he shakes his head, smiling at me like he’s watching an entertaining movie.

And last, stands a tall, dark, and classically handsome man in a sharp suit. Not as dangerous looking as my first capturer, but still magazine worthy. He makes no apologies, looking me up and down, nodding his appreciation before meeting my eyes with a wink.

Maybe in another life, buddy, one where you’re not part of my imminent demise.

Once we get to the bottom of the stairs, the man dragging me like a rag doll turns to the men but doesn’t break stride.

“Follow close, we head straight there.” He storms to a waiting black Ferrari.

Of course, he drives a flashy car, a cliché if I’ve ever seen one. There used to be a time I loved the lavish lifestyle. The fast cars, planes, and privileged life, but give me my love bug any day if it means freedom.

The doors fly up and he nods for me to get in. With no other choice right now, I slip into the seat and the door closes. From the side mirror, I see the rest of the men hop into a black SUV waiting behind us.

My kidnapper slides in the driver’s seat and starts the engine. I hear a click next to me as the door locks, trapping me inside. Then turn my head to see a devilish grin looking back at me.

“Don’t get any ideas Princess,” he says, dashing all my hopes and dreams of escape.

A drowning sadness fills me, and there’s no witty comeback. I simply turn my head and stare blankly out the window, letting the familiar feeling of dread seep into my being.

Next stop, dear old Daddy.

The air doesn’t seem to be circulating in this ridiculously expensive car. Leaning forward, I press the button to wind down the window, but it doesn’t budge.

Really? He’s locked that, too.

I turn to face him, and he’s already looking my way. “I can’t breathe in here, I need air.”

He studies my face for a moment, then thankfully hits a button to roll down my window, barely a few inches.