Page 37 of Pride

“Daddy please can…” She turns to me and giggles, the tears from earlier gone. “I don’t even know your name.”


She turns back to her dad, her eyelashes fluttering. “Can Lilly come pick me up. Please?”

He looks to Ren, who nods, then back to his daughter. “Anything you want, Princess.”

“Yay!” She hops off her stool, swiping her backpack. “I’m ready to go now.”

Dave stands too, taking out the keys from his pocket. When he looks at me, his expression changes, warmer than I’ve seen before. He mouths, ‘thank you’.

I wouldn’t be so quick to thank me, especially if I get my hands on that little girl. But I smile in return.

Eve runs around the counter to Tommy and stands on tip toes as he bends down to her level.

She kisses him on the cheek. “Bye, Zio Tommy.”

“Bye, munchkin.” He winks at her as she runs over to Ren,

She barrels into him, wrapping her arms around his waist, and squeezes. “Bye, Zio Ren.”

He leans down and kisses the top of her head. “Goodbye, Princess. Be good for your dad because he’s a pain to be around when you’re sad, okay?”

She giggles and agrees. Then, to my surprise she comes over to me, giving me my very own hug.

When she pulls back, she looks up with her innocent eyes. “Are you and Zio Ren really getting married?’

Tommy spits out some of his coffee and the room falls deathly quiet. All eyes are on me, and Ren’s feel like they are burning me alive.

I clear my throat and smile down at her. It’s those damn eyes that make me not want to disappoint her. “We’re still working out the details.”

“If you do, you will be my Zia, too!”

“Well, that is definitely going in the pro column. Now you better get to school and ignore that girl for today. I have a feeling tomorrow is gonna be very different.”

Her eyes twinkle and she gives me another hug, then runs to her dad. They both leave, and I take a sip of my coffee.

“Lilly, what are you gonna do to that poor girl?” Tommy hops off the counter.

“I’m not sure yet,” I ponder the possibilities. “But we have a whole day to figure it out. You ready?’

“Yep.” He throws his cup in the sink. “Lets bounce.”

I slide off my chair, but from the commotion I didn’t notice Ren had moved. When I turn, he’s there. Standing so close, I can smell his irresistible cologne.

He pulls out another wad of cash from his pocket. “How about today, we aim higher than Target?”

My eyebrows rise at the sight of the new addition to my getaway fund.

“I think I might be able to manage that.” I smile, taking the money.

But he doesn’t let go, and I look up. He looks like he wants to say something, but hesitates. His dark eyes search my face, and I see the vulnerability hidden behind his usual mysterious mask. Slowly, he leans forward, and I stand frozen in place, struggling to keep an even heartbeat. His warm breath is all I can feel against my skin, his soft lips kiss my cheek and linger. He leisurely pulls away, and our eyes meet. When they do, he smiles, a drop-dead gorgeous smile that makes my tummy flutter and my knees weak.

“Have a good day.” He takes my cup from my hand, turns, and walks over to the sink. “And try not to get yourself arrested at her school today.”

This whole encounter has left me dazed and confused.

I shake my head out of my stupor and answer honestly as I walk toward the door. “Can’t make any promises.”