Page 29 of Pride

I can’t blame her though, he’s hot.

Just like that, she becomes my favourite person in the world. Tommy lets out a sigh, resigned to his fate, and follows the red head inside, ushering me along.

It’s exactly like I remember. There’s a sweet, floral scent that wafts through the store. The walls are a light, dusky pink, and the shelves and racks are lined with the most delicate, decadent lingerie that feels like butter on your skin.

But my memories are filled with darkness, desperation, and tears. I push them back and walk down the first aisle on the left.

The change rooms are at the back of the store, behind the rows of bras, panties, and sleepwear. They can't be seen from the store front, but if he stands by the entrance to the room, he could catch me slipping out.

I need to keep him distracted or get him to sit down in the small sitting area in the middle of the store. My first stop is the aisle by the window, where I pull several items from the rack. I’ll need enough to give me a good ten to twenty minutes inside the dressing room.

Tommy follows, close behind everywhere I go like a shadow. I have a feeling he’ll ruin everything and be waiting right outside the change room curtains. Even the gorgeous red head isn’t helping. I’ll need to think of something, and quick. My arms can’t carry much more.

The back wall is home to the sexy lingerie, the kind of underwear you buy when you’re planning to show it off. From the moment I reach the rack, it’s clear he’s struggling with being next to me. First, he hesitates before following behind me, and then he clears his throat several times while I flip through the racy designs, then curses under his breath.

I pull out a low-cut, black lace bodysuit that's see-through in all the right places with a sexy string thong back. Then I turn to face Tommy, holding it up against my body. He groans and rubs the back of his neck.

“What do you think about this one? Do you like it?” I keep my voice casual, and calm even though my heart is racing.

He just stares, his jaw grinding, and hands in fists. “I’ll be right over there. Hurry up.”

“Okay. I’ll just try these on. I’ll be ten minutes, twenty tops.”

He turns and stalks off to the couch, flopping down and grabbing his phone from his pocket.

A pang of guilt twist in my stomach for manipulating Tommy like this. I like him. He’s fun and not a bad guy. Yes, he’s part of the kidnapping entourage, but he’s just doing his job. One he’s going to get in trouble for, once they realise I’ve given him the slip.

But that’s not my problem. This is it. My chance of escape.

I make my way to the change rooms, but the one I need is already in use, so I hang back, pretending to sift through the sale items until finally it’s free.

My adrenaline spikes, just like it used to. My mouth goes dry and it's hard to swallow. But It’s different from my time with Sergei, because there’s no pain and punishment waiting for me when I get home if I’m caught. Ren might take away my freedoms, but he doesn’t seem the type to hurt me.

After a quick glance to check Tommy is still on the sofa, I slip inside and close the black curtain, throwing the clothes on the lush armchair in the corner. I turn and peek through the curtain.

I can’t see Tommy, and that means he can’t see me. There’s no time to hesitate or think. I slip through a tiny opening in the curtain, keeping it closed, so he doesn’t get suspicious, then swiftly turn the corner to the emergency fire exit. My shoulders tense as I gently push open the door. Shards of sunlight stream through the crack, like beams of hope and freedom. I peek out with my heart lodged in my throat and with a deep breath I slip out into the alley.

Carefully, I close the door, inch by inch, so it doesn’t make a noise until it clicks into place. Then I turn and run. My foot catches on an uneven patch on the pavement, but I manage to stay up and keep running. Until an image flashes in my mind, stopping me dead in my tracks.

My phone.

I had stashed a burner phone with the number of my contact who organised my fake papers in the alley. It sounds crazy to think back to those times, and the amount of planning it took to escape. Seriously, if I were in prison, they’d be making movies about my mastermind breakout. And that phone is like gold right now, or a pickaxe.

Could it still be here?

I turn back, and sprint to the wall mounted air conditioning unit that sits an inch above the ground. My knees slide on the pavers, and I kneel, reaching behind the unit. I feel around, going deeper and deeper until my hand stills when I touch something soft.


And chilling.

As I gently pull it out, my heart hammers. My throat constricts and my worst fears are confirmed. A red silk sash sits in my shaky hands. The same sash he used to tie my hands to the bed and blindfold me, so he could do whatever he liked.

I fall onto my ass and stare in shock and disbelief. It can’t be. It can’t. My mind blanks and then comes rushing back when I catch a glimpse of black writing on one side. As I open it to read the words, I feel sick to my stomach.

‘Soon, my love.’

The cruel words stab through me, and my eyes blink back the tears that are welling.