Page 24 of Pride

Now that it’s past eleven, I’ve just finished getting dressed. My day started later than planned, but I’m not complaining. Having her in bed with me was worth being late. But I was in such a deep and sated sleep; I didn’t even feel her slip from my arms and out of our bed this morning.

I need to get things under control.

And I don’t mean her, but me. If I had my way, last night I would have turned her on her back and spent the rest of the night convincing her that we’d have much more fun if she just accepted this situation for what it is. It’s done now, letting her go is not an option. I’d have zero chance of getting any sleep if she was out there, unprotected and alone, like a sitting duck waiting for Sergei and his men to track her down.

Her laugh draws me out of my thoughts just as I reach the kitchen door.

“Wait! She is hot!” Her voice unlike anything I’ve heard from her before now.

She sounds carefree and full of life. It stops me in my tracks, and I stand by the double doors, listening to what has her so entertained.

“Did you see her earrings?” Tommy asks, and it becomes clearer what caused it.

A stinging jealousy begins to burn inside me, listening to Tommy getting the sweet from her, whilst for me, she can’t seem to stand the sight of me. But if there’s one thing Tommy is known for, it’s being a shit talker. He always has something to say, and you never know what’s going to come out of his mouth next. That and being a ghost, a silent killer. If he comes to hunt you, there won’t be any warning or a body to find afterward. He’s fiercely loyal, ruthless and he’s part of my family.

“Are you serious?” Lilliana asks, sounding more bewildered than before. “Are you going to fuck her earrings?”

I have to stifle a laugh, not to give myself away. But Tommy doesn’t, he laughs loud and boisterously.

“I’m not that fucking sick,” he says, still chuckling as he answers.

“Then take them off. She was hot.”

“Did you see them though?”

There’s no answer and I’d love to see her face right now. I’d bet my life savings she’s looking at him like he’s a moron, because he is, especially when it comes to women and his unattainable high standards.

“That’s all I’m going to be thinking about. Who wears earrings like that?” When Tommy’s mind is made up, he’s a stubborn bastard.

“Those earrings could’ve been a parting gift from her dead grandmother. And that picture may have been taken the last time she was alive. Maybe that’s why she posted it as her profile picture, because it’s special to her. It’s not like she brought them herself, so forget the earrings and concentrate on how hot she looks in that picture.”

“Great, now all I’ll be thinking of is her dead grandmother.” Tommy’s voice is on the verge of disgust.

I smile and shake my head, only Tommy would think that.

“Fine.” Lilliana laughs and gives in.

“Well, isn’t this cozy?” Dante’s voice fills the room.

He must have come through the other door and by the sound of his voice, he’s not happy about that fact. Dante was the most to voice his disproval of the arrangement and the one most upset.

“Make yourself at home why don’t you?” he says, his tone dripping with sarcasm.

My jaw ticks, and I grit my teeth. I want to say something, but I clamp my mouth shut and take a deep breath. I get this is all new, and she’s our enemies’ daughter, but his dick attitude towards Lilliana needs to stop. Dante’s not blood related, but I consider him a brother. Whatever his problem is, ends today.

“Already have. And since I live here, feel free to barge in without knocking anytime you like. My home is your home,” Lilliana says with a quick response, seemingly unaffected.

“You may live here. But this isn’t your home.”.

Dante’s words hit me like a ton of bricks, and I freeze. The overwhelming urge to lay hands on my best friend consumes me.

“Ease up would you,” Tommy says, with an awkward laugh trying to ease the tension.

“Hey, you and me are on the same team here. You should probably go tell that to your boss because he isn’t listening to me. While you’re at it, see if he’s ready to kick me out yet?” I hear a chair scrape on the tiled floor. “Any who, my dress is probably dry now. Later, boys. Always a pleasure blondie.”

When I hear feet approaching, I take a small step back, leaning against the wall, disappearing into the shadows. The door bursts open and she slips through; and turns in the opposite direction, walking toward the staircase. She shakes her arms, like she’s trying to shake something off, and I hear her take a deep breath, letting out a sigh. Maybe she’s not as unaffected by Dante’s words as she pretends to be.

I take a few steps toward her, but stop myself. Instead, I watch as she ascends the staircase, retreating to her room probably to plan her escape. After she's dissapeared, I turn and step into the kitchen.