Page 23 of Pride

The dress, however, needs more time, and sun. I throw it over my shoulder and head for the window next to the queen size four post bed. Ripping open the blinds, the sun pours in and lights up the whole room. I’m blinded for a second, but when my eyes adjust, I can see the view is just as exquisite as the bathroom.

The backyard is as big as a park. A pool and jacuzzi sits to one side, with all the usual rich trappings you’d expect at a multi-million-dollar property. But it’s the stone pathway that weaves through the Italian garden with an arched trellis draped with vine leaves that really takes my breath away. It leads to an explosion of colour, every shade of roses you can imagine.

I grew up with money, in a luxury house and excess of everything. But I’ve never seen a garden even close to this, it’s like an entire rainbow with birds tweeting in the background, like an actual fairy tale.

I set my dress down on the windowpane and prop it up in the sun. After taking in the beauty of the garden, and the rays of the sunlight, I decide not to stay in my room.

First stop, the kitchen.

Last night, I discovered two stairways leading to the ground floor. One was at the back of the house and led down to the kitchen by a back hallway. The other was at the front of the house down into the grand foyer on the ground floor where the second entrance to the kitchen is. Like a true Italian family, the kitchen was clearly the heart of the home.

I opt for the hallway route, the most secluded area of the house. The door squeaks as I swing it open then stop abruptly in my tracks. The dark-haired, magazine-worthy man from the plane sits at a large marble island bench. He looks up from his phone, stopping mid text and the biggest smile breaks out on his face.

“Morning,” he greets as he takes a sip of his coffee.

His eyes roam my body from over the rim of his espresso cup and again I’m reminded I’m wearing not much at all.

“Good morning.” My voice bright and bubbly as I lift my head high and waltz into the kitchen like I belong here.

The last thing I want is to let these guys believe I’m intimidated or embarrassed by their presence. “Where can I find what you’re having?”

“If you mean coffee, then over there.” He nods to a percolator on the stove top, with a cheeky smile playing on his lips.

“Perfect.” I stroll over, then stop and turn realising I need a cup.

He points to a cupboard to the left of the stove. “What did you do to Ren? He’s never up this late.”

“What time is it?” I pluck a large white mug that will do nicely for my caffeine hit.


I swing around, mouth wide open. “9:30 is late? That’s crazy talk.”

“Yep, if I’d known it was a sleep-in day. I’d still be with Lucy in bed.”

“Oh, cute. Is Lucy your girlfriend? Or wife?”

He laughs like that is the most insane thing he’s heard and holds up his phone. “No. I just swiped right on Lucy last night.”

“Oh, fun, a dating app. Are you online right now?”

He nods.

I finish pouring my coffee, adding a little milk and sugar before pulling up a stool next to him. “Can I look too?”

“Sure.” He unlocks his phone. “I’m Tommy, by the way.”

“Hi Tommy. I’m the kidnapped bride, Lilly.”

He chuckles again, and the sound of it makes me feel instantly at ease around him. “You know what, Lilly. It was getting pretty fucking boring around here. Welcome to the family.”



Ican’trememberthelast time I slept this late. It must have been Tommy’s birthday, the night my father had his heart attack. That was the last time I remember sleeping well, and I mean past five in the morning. Something about the pressure from the families not to fuck up seems to mess with your sleep. Go figure.

I still woke at five. My body was used to getting up then, but I had no desire to leave my bed. Not since my future wife Lilliana was draped across my chest, sleeping peacefully. Her leg was thrown over both of mine and her arm wrapped around me, holding on tight. I simply closed my eyes, hitched her leg a little higher, moved my hand from her waist and settled it right on her ass. And surprisingly, I easily slipped straight back to sleep.