Page 111 of Pride

“We need to cut off air, land and sea.” Dave looks at Ren.

Ren nods and keeps his eyes on me. “He have a plane, airfield he travels on?”

“Not that I know, but he does have his own ship that docks at his port. It’s how he moves the girls.”

“Say that again?” Ren’s voice is lethal.

I swallow, and maybe this bit I should have kept to myself. It’s one of the worst moments I spent with him and still eats me up till this day.

“He took me there to show me how easy it was to make girls disappear. I remember because it was the last time I spoke with Ria,” I say.

“Did he threaten her?” Dante’s voice is just as lethal.

“Kind of. He noticed she kept calling. He never said it directly, but I knew what he was implying.”

“We need men on her,” Dante says to Ren, who is seething, but nods.

Even though there’s no need, because I made sure she was never on his radar after that day, I don’t argue because I definitely don’t want anything to happen to her.

“Lilly.” Dave leans forward and I turn to face him. “Do you remember him having beef with anyone? Any bad deals?”

Sergei had beef with a lot of people he wasn’t Mr Congeniality that’s for sure. But there was one motorcycle club that is forever burnt in my brain.

“The Devils Rejects.” I look down and fiddle with my nails. “I remember it was pretty tense when I left. Actually, I was hoping they would take care of each other, so I didn’t have to stay away for long. I kept reading the news, but nothing happened. Sergei despised them. That day at his port after we left, he said one of their club girls was inside one of the containers. He laughed, saying they had such low IQ that they couldn’t count and see one was missing. I think her name was, Loretta.”

My gut rolls, and the thought of those girls still brings me nightmares. I never saw inside them or could confirm what he said was true, but I knew it was in my bones. I was so scared that could be me, or someone I cared about, that I kept my mouth shut. Even saying this now out loud is risking my life, even though it’s already way too late for that, my life is already hanging in the balance.

“We can use that,” Dante says. “That’s great Lilly. Really great.”

“Yeah.” Tommy leans over and rubs my shoulder. “You did good.”

I feel terrible but I give a small smile.

“Dave, can you go with Lilly and work out the layout of the apartment. Get all the places down she can remember?” Ren says, his voice eerily calm.

Dave nods and stands, smiling at me to follow. Ren doesn’t look at me, and he isn’t talking to me. His voice is off, like I haven’t heard, so I don’t argue. We walk out of the office, and Dave closes the door behind me.

Then a loud, booming crash blast from behind us, and I jump startled.

Dave places a hand on my back, looking down at me with a sweet smile. “Just give him a minute. He’ll be right.”



Afterhearingalltheshit she’s had to deal with, all I want to do is kill. And by the looks of the men in the room, I’m not alone. Throwing shit around the office quells nothing, sates nothing. She deserves her life back, not just any life. The best it can offer.

The best I can offer.

“We can use Devils Rejects,” Dante says, snapping me out of my blind rage. “We can drop the intel, they will retaliate for sure.” Dante tries to add comfort, and our way forward.

But it’s not enough. I don’t want to handball taking Sergei out to another syndicate. He is mine.

“Fuck it.” Tommy stands. “Fuck repercussions. We should take him out ourselves. Just the thought of what he did to Lilly, I want to rip his fucking head off. We should too.”

I whole heartedly agree.

“If we do, then we have to wait and play this different. There will be war and the rest of the family could get hurt.” Dante tries to settle Tommy’s temper, which, when it’s set off, is hard to quell, then turns to me to try and reason. “We have a way to end things with our hands clean. It’s the smartest choice.”