Page 86 of Harder Betrayal

“Damn right, we will. And we’ll mutilate every fucker involved. Looks like your business is about to get good…” He walked back down the hallway, probably to get dressed and armed. A handgun or pistol wouldn’t do. We’d need some serious shit, like rifles and Uzis.

Minutes later, Cauldron came back packing. A rifle was hanging from one shoulder and a shotgun was across his back. There was an Uzi strapped onto each hip. “Do you know where they are?”

I shook my head.

“We’ll trace her phone.”

“He’ll have destroyed that by now,” I said. “When was the last time you saw her?”

“A couple hours ago.”

“They must have been watching the place and thought you were me…”

Cauldron closed his eyes briefly, like he was pissed off at himself for not staying. “She threw me out…but I should have stayed.”

“You know Camille. It’s her way or no way. And remember, if anyone’s to blame…it’s me.”

My brother looked at me again, a mixture of so many hateful emotions, it was hard to tell what he was thinking.

“I was with Elise…but I’m pretty sure that’s over now.”

“She should be grateful that Karl made the wrong assumption. She’d be the one captured. Her kids would be dead.”

“I doubt she’s even thought of that.” I had more to say, but I kept it to myself because the end of my relationship with Elise was insignificant in the face of our current problem.

“So, what now? We wait for the call?”

“There’s got to be somebody we know who might know his whereabouts.”

“Karl would have thought of that,” Cauldron said. “He would have kept this under wraps from our allies.”

With no plan and no one to call, we were packing for no reason. “What about Bartholomew?”

Somehow, Cauldron managed to look even more pissed off.

“He might help us.”

“Why? He doesn’t owe us anything.”

“But he might care for Camille. I bet he could figure out where Karl is with a simple phone call. When Bartholomew calls, people answer.”

Cauldron remained silent and angry, just breathing.

“He initially turned down fifty million dollars. That’s a lot of money.”

He gave a slight nod. “We’ve got no other leads. Let’s do it.”



Bartholomew entered the room, a cigar in his mouth and his chest shiny with a hint of sweat. Black sweatpants were low on his hips, and his bare feet hit the hardwood with distinct thuds. He lowered the cigar as a cloud released from the crack between his lips. “Wow. It’s the set.”

I didn’t want to be diplomatic right now. Just cut to the chase and save my girl. But I was the beggar, and beggars couldn’t be choosers. When he came close enough, I could recognize the distinct smell of sex.

It was all over him.

He took another puff of the cigar and released the smoke in my face. “What can I do for the Toussaint brothers?”